Winter Wheat Variety Plot Tour June 18 at North Platte

June 11, 2019

Nebraska Extension and the West Central Research and Extension Center will host a Winter Wheat Variety Plot Tour on Tuesday, June 18, at 3 pm. The plots are located on the WCREC Dryland Farm at 8503 S. Dodge Hill Road, North Platte. Stephen Baeziger, UNL wheat breeder and Nebraska Wheat Growers Presidential Chair, will be on hand to discuss the various wheat varieties.

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Wheat Field
The first of this year's Winter Wheat Variety tours is this Thursday, June 13, near Fairbury. Attendees can view wheat varieties and learn more about disease and fertility management as well as a study on enhancing protein content.

Wheat and Small Grain Field Days Across the State

June 7, 2019
View current and experimental wheat varieties in the field at any of the eight Winter Wheat Field Days being held across the state this June. In addition to variety trials and guest speakers, several field days also will feature wheat research on nitrogen and disease management, and other current topics.

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Field pea in the Panhandle

Winter Wheat and Pea Field Days in the Panhandle in June

June 7, 2019
Field days of three winter wheat variety trials and two field pea variety trials will be conducted this June in the Panhandle. Discussion topics will include genetics, including new varieties on the horizon, and production issues.

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Figure 1. Winter wheat variety trial at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, 2019. (Photos by Nathan Mueller)
Figure 1. Winter wheat variety trial at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, 2019. (Photos by Nathan Mueller)

Eastern Nebraska Wheat, Pulse and Double Crop Field Day June 18

June 7, 2019
Variety trials and field research will be in the spotlight June 18 at the Eastern Nebraska Wheat, Pulse, and Double Crop Field Day at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Education Center near Mead.

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Figure 1. Leaf rust, powdery mildew, and a fungal leaf spot all present in a single plot at UNL’s Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln on June 6 (Photo by Stephen Wegulo)
Figure 1. Leaf rust, powdery mildew, and a fungal leaf spot all present in a single plot at UNL’s Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln on June 6. The white tip on the head in the upper center is due to freeze injury. (Photo by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Update: Diseases Are Increasing

June 7, 2019
Surveys of wheat fields in southeast Nebraska during the week of June 3 revealed a significant increase in diseases from the previous week.

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Figure 1.  Stripe rust in a grower’s field in Perkins County on May 30.
Figure 1. Stripe rust in a grower’s field in Perkins County on May 30. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Stripe Rust Confirmed in Nebraska Wheat

May 31, 2019
Stripe rust was confirmed this week in a wheat field in Perkins County. During a two-day survey of fields in south central and southwest Nebraska, Septoria tritici blotch, tan spot, powdery mildew, and fungal leaf spots were also found at low levels.

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Planting Still Lagging with Corn at 81%, Soybean, 56%

May 28, 2019
With cool, rainy conditions, planting progress was slow last week and remains behind normal, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service report for Nebraska. There were just 2.2 days suitable for fieldwork.

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Wheat flowering
Figure 1. Wheat flowering in Clay County

Wheat Update

May 24, 2019
Wheat growth is running 7-10 days behind normal across much of the state, which may push the grain-fill period into some of the hottest days of the wheat season. Delayed development likely helped most wheat escape injury from snow and low temperatures early this week.

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