Winter wheat stubble without a herbicide treatment in the growing crop.

Looking Back on the 2019 Wheat Crop in Western Nebraska

August 30, 2019
Ideal temperatures, good moisture, and low disease pressure were the perfect conditions to achieve high winter wheat yields across much of southwest, west central, and the Panhandle of Nebraska with several counties averaging over 100 bu/ac.

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"Sphere of influence" for virus spread following an extensive neighborhood-wide hail event

Pre-Harvest Hail across Western Nebraska Necessitates Breaking the Green Bridge

August 30, 2019
This year late-season hailstorms led to increases in volunteer wheat that emerged shortly before wheat harvest. If left uncontrolled until wheat emergence in the fall, growers can expect a large buildup of mites and virus, leading to yield-robbing disease outbreaks next spring and summer.

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Comparison of wheat crop budgets

Winter Wheat Crop Budgets Available for 7 Systems

August 30, 2019
Customizable winter wheat crop production budgets can be a farm management tool as you look at costs and possible cost-savings areas for the next crop.

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Stripe rust in corn

Fall Wheat Disease Management Strategies to Reduce Losses in 2020

August 29, 2019
Six strategies that can be used this fall with winter wheat to minimize losses during next year’s growing season.

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Stephen Baenziger speaking to growers at one of the Winter Wheat Variety Trial field days.
Stephen Baenziger speaking to growers at one of the Winter Wheat Variety Trial field days. (Photo by David Ostdiek)

Update on Wheat Varieties for Nebraska 2019: Another Unusual Year

August 29, 2019
A review of wheat variety data from 2018-2019 shows it was an unusual year, given the above-normal precipitation in many areas, and that it might be best considered with averages from previous years when selecting wheat seed for next year.

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Field of wheat in the Nebraska Panhandle

UNL-TAPS Expanding To Include Winter Wheat Competition in the Panhandle

August 28, 2019
Winter wheat production is being added to the slate of UNL-TAPS contests for the next year. The competition will debut at a kickoff meeting Friday, September 6, at the High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney.

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Seedling wheat field

Determining the Seeding Rate for Winter Wheat

September 2, 2020
Determining an optimum winter wheat seeding rate for your location depends on several factors. The seeding rate table and information here can help you determine a recommended rate and how to adjust it for various conditions.

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Wheat in an eastern Nebraska variety trial earlier this year. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)

2- and 3-Year Average Winter Wheat Trial Data

August 22, 2019
Two- and three-year averages of data from winter wheat variety trials is now available for yield, protein, test weight, and height for rainfed trials in four wheat-growing regions and irrigated trials.

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