Weather Forecast

Nebraska map showing locations and dates of first hard freezes.

Forecast Offers Harvest Hope if Snows Stay North

October 8, 2019
With extended wet conditions this season, every precipitation event going forward has the potential to bring harvest activity to a grinding halt. The big question is how extensive will the delays be. Climatologist Al Dutcher offers good and bad news for some.

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Forecast Shows Much Warmer Days Ahead in July

June 26, 2019
After a cooler and wetter than normal spring, Nebraska is finally moving into a much warmer period in the first half of July, notes Climatologist Al Dutcher. The greatest likelihood for widespread moisture will be in the evening hours July 1-4 in the Panhandle.

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US map showing departure from normal precipitation from April 13 to June 11, 2019

Longer Term Forecasts for More Moisture in the Corn Belt

June 12, 2019
Rainy periods will continue but stretch into a warm-up next week, bringing with it higher relative humidity and favorable conditions for some crop diseases.

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Climate Prediction Center 30-day outlook for June 2019

Weather Outlooks for Planting Season and Summer

May 16, 2019
It looks like we're not done with the rain yet. Expect widespread rainfall May 17-19, followed by several rounds of thunderstorms May 19-22, says climatologist Al Dutcher in his planting season and summer outlook.

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Nebraska map showing winter precipitation recharge.

Late April Forecast and Status of Soil Moisture and Temperature

April 17, 2019
With soil temperatures warming and above-average soil moisture across much of Nebraska, climatologist Al Dutcher looks at what to expect in the planting season forecast for late April.

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US map showing departure from normal temperatures for February 2019

Tired of Record Winter? Here's What to Expect for Snowmelt, Eventual Warm-Up

March 6, 2019
Climatologist Al Dutcher takes a look back at this unusual winter and a look forward with what to expect in the next couple weeks. After all this snow, what's next? Flooding is going to be a very real concern.

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Expect a Stormy Turn with Halloween

October 24, 2018
Expect a couple periods of light rain the last week of October, then stormy and possibly snowy conditions following Halloween.

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Quote from the author, Al Dutcher: 'As fall progresses, most of the Corn Belt will likely deal with periods of heavy rainfall, interspersed with warm dry weather.'

El Nino Conditions Forecast for Fall-Winter

September 20, 2018
Climatologist Al Dutcher says there are initial signals of a developing El Nino event for this fall and winter, possibly leading to drier conditions in northwest Nebraska.

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