VegDRI map

Weekly Weather Update: June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023
With unsubstantial rainfall and the arrival of high summer temperatures, drought continues to intensify in eastern Nebraska, setting records for exceptional drought status in some areas. 

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Droughty corn

Forage Options for Drought-stressed Non-irrigated Vegetative Corn and Nitrate Concerns

June 29, 2023
UNL experts share recommendations for producers who are considering using non-irrigated drought-stressed corn as forage.

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Drought-stressed alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Drought-stunted Alfalfa Options, Bluegrass Control

June 27, 2023
Recommendations for producers facing short alfalfa stands from drought stress and encroaching bluegrass, plus water needs for livestock during summer.

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Drought corn
Corn leaf rolling is the primary symptom of drought, and yield loss estimates are assumed when drought stress occurs for four consecutive days or more. (Photo courtesy Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)

Drought-stressed Crops and Yield Potential

June 23, 2023
Research insights on yield loss from drought stress during vegetative, silking and grain fill growth stages of corn.

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Cattle grazing
The annual forage plan of insurance gives growers an opportunity to obtain crop insurance for protection against low precipitation. During this webinar, specialists will share insights on how growers can integrate annual forage insurance coverage into their programs.

Tips for Integrating Annual Forages into Your Production System

June 23, 2023
During a free webinar next Thursday, UNL specialists will discuss planting dates, seeding mixes, expected forage production and timing of forage availability for various scenarios of planting forages on cropland.

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Four-week drought map

Weekly Weather Update: June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023
Though precipitation in June has led to numerous improvements in crop, pasture and drought conditions across the state, there's been no relief from severe dryness in parts of southeastern Nebraska. 

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May 30 Drought Monitor

May Temperatures Well Above Normal Statewide, Heavy Precipitation Hits Western Nebraska

June 14, 2023
May's precipitation led to atypical extremes for both sides of the state, with the western region breaking records for rainfall and eastern areas setting new records for dryness. 

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Palmer in corn
Palmer amaranth invades a corn field in south-central Nebraska. (CropWatch file photo by Amit Jhala)

Effect of Drought on Weeds: Results of Global Meta-analysis

June 13, 2023
Researchers examined more than 1,000 studies to compile a comprehensive report on weed germination, growth and seed production during periods of water stress.

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