September Continues Warm, Dry Trend as Drought Worsens

October 25, 2022
September was one of the driest on record for Nebraska, with above-normal temperatures and numerous records set for daily highs in the triple-digits.

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Precipitation map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — Oct. 12, 2022

October 13, 2022
Though predictions of precipitation next week remain uncertain, producers are encouraged to remain vigilant, as it is now the time of year where significant early snowstorm activity normally begins to develop in the U.S.

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Frozen sorghum-sudangrass
Once a freeze occurs, it takes seven days for prussic acid to dissipate from forage sorghum species like sorghum-sudangrass. The hours immediately after a frost have the highest level of toxic compounds in these plants.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Drought Recovery, Prussic Acid in Sorghum

October 5, 2022
Extension educators share insights on the drought recovery process for pastures, how to graze forage sorghum species after freezing temperatures and how to capture the best nutrition from grazing crop residue this fall.

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Tractor in field
Erin Ehnle Brown/realagstock (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability)

The Storm in World Fertilizer Markets Continues

September 29, 2022
An update on 2022 fertilizer prices following the substantial hikes in 2021 due to high demand, drought, high fossil energy prices, supply-chain disruptions and trade policies.

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Departure from normal precipitation map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — Sept. 20, 2022

September 21, 2022
After widespread precipitation in the latter part of this week, dry weather and temperatures returning to the 70s and 80s should dominate the last full week of September through the first full week of October.

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Precipitation anomalies map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — Sept. 13, 2022

September 15, 2022
Precipitation is forecast to move across Nebraska Sept. 21-24, with another chance of lighter rainfall Sept. 25-28 for the eastern half of the state. Temperatures are expected to cool slightly into the 70s and 80s beginning Sept. 21.

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Nebraska has Second-driest August, Third-driest Summer on Record

September 15, 2022
Nebraska experienced the second-driest August on record (0.94 inches), just two years after the driest August on record in 2020 and a mere three years since the wettest on record (5.14 inches in 2019).

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Cattle grazing cornstalks
Safely grazing drought-stressed cornstalks can be accomplished with an appropriate grazing plan and fencing precautions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing High Nitrate Cornstalks, Late Summer Weed Control

September 14, 2022
Extension Educator Todd Whitney reveals techniques to safely graze drought-stressed cornstalks — plus, more on late summer weed control and planting small grains for spring forage.

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