Pivot irrigation system
When irrigating fields early due to drought, the most reliable method to know when and how much to irrigate is to monitor soil moisture at multiple depths.

Early Season Irrigation During Drought

June 7, 2023
For producers who are irrigating early this year due to drought, it's critical to monitor soil moisture to balance crop needs with the risk of losing nitrogen and other valuable crop inputs, while also avoiding the expense of over-irrigating. 

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Farmer in droughty field
The webinar features discussion about FSA drought assistance programs by Pat Lechner, Nebraska FSA price support, conservation and environmental programs chief, Ben Henrink, Nebraska FSA farm loan program specialist, Brad Lubben, Nebraska Extension policy specialist, and Shannon Sand, Nebraska Extension agricultural economist.

USDA Drought Assistance Programs in 2023

May 25, 2023
This webinar reviews how to apply for key drought assistance programs, and discusses drought disaster designations, the FSA emergency loan program, and management principles and recordkeeping needs for producers under drought conditions.

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Corn in drought
To help producers prepare for program delivery, USDA has announced the forms that will be required to participate in ERP and ELRP for 2022 losses — AD-2047, CCC-902, CCC-901, AD-1026. For more information, see the section 'How Producers Can Prepare' below. .

USDA Previews $3.7 Billion Emergency Assistance Program for 2022 Natural Disaster Losses

May 19, 2023
Through a streamlined application process, USDA intends to send pre-filled applications directly to eligible crop producers in early summer.

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April precipitation map

Dryness Continues into April, Temperatures Slightly Above Normal

May 17, 2023
April's total precipitation was well below normal in Nebraska, resulting in worsening drought conditions and the fifth driest April for the state since 1895.

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Cattle in drought
Currently, 55 Nebraska counties are eligible to eligible to apply for the 2023 Livestock Forage Disaster Program, and all but five counties are eligible for ELAP assistance. View your county's eligibility status here.

Drought Assistance Webinar May 4

April 27, 2023
This CAP webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of FSA drought assistance programs, including current designations, eligibility and application requirements, plus information on management strategies and record-keeping for producers during drought.

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County map
The counties highlighted in blue are now eligible to apply for 2023 LFP benefits on small grains, native pasture, improved pasture or forage sorghum due to severe drought status. (CropWatch image)

USDA Farm Service Agency Offers Disaster Assistance to Nebraska Farmers, Livestock Producers Impacted by Drought

April 26, 2023
Producers have until Dec. 1, 2023 to apply for FSA drought assistance loans on grazing losses from small grains, native pasture, improved pasture or forage sorghum.

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Drought Monitor
Nebraska drought conditions on March 28, 2023. (Source: National Drought Mitigation Center)

March 2023 Brings Colder and Drier Conditions to the State

April 13, 2023
March precipitation did little to stymie ongoing drought in Nebraska, with large swaths of the northeast, southwest and Panhandle remaining in extreme and exceptional drought conditions.

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Though central and western Nebraska a have a higher risk for grasshopper outbreaks this season, a cool, wet spring would mitigate population growth not only for this growing season, but also the following year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Seed Selection, Grasshoppers After Drought

April 5, 2023
This week — Reviewing seed selection to avoid anthracnose and Phytophthora root rot, assessing alfalfa stands and predictions on grasshopper populations following the 2022 drought.

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