Temperature outlook

Weekly Weather Update and Outlook: Aug. 31, 2023

August 31, 2023
Nebraska is entering another stretch of hot weather, beginning September with well above average temperatures and low chances for rainfall.

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Soil moisture map of US

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 24, 2023

August 24, 2023
Minimal precipitation and intense heat this week led to dangerous conditions for livestock in Nebraska, and soil moisture and crop conditions are expected to show decline in next week's reports.

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Grasshopper in field
With continued drought, producers may see grasshoppers moving from field edges into crops. Frequent scouting of fields will be critical in the coming weeks, particularly in alfalfa and late summer-seeded grasses, which are more susceptible to feeding damage..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Grasshoppers, Pasture Weeds and Wet Hay

August 23, 2023
Insights on late summer grasshopper and pasture weed control, and options for producers putting up hay in wet conditions.

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Corn silage
Silage is the most widely preferred method of utilizing drought-stressed corn, as the ensiling process reduces nitrate levels by as much as one-half to one-third; however, proper technique is critical and testing before feeding is recommended. (Photo by Kristen Ulmer)

Drought-stressed Corn: A Feed Opportunity

August 18, 2023
When grain harvest of drought-stressed corn won’t be a viable option, it can be utilized in several other ways with careful management and care in feeding.

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Seven day drought improvement map

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 17, 2023

August 17, 2023
Despite significant improvements in drought conditions, much of Nebraska is still lacking deep soil moisture. August precipitation will be critical for the soybean crop, as most areas don't have the capacity to get into September without it.

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Pasture in drought
Though pastures that have had some precipitation are coming back, resist the temptation of grazing them hard this fall, as these plants need to build back reserves before winter.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Drought-stressed Brome, Alfalfa Seeding

August 17, 2023
Insights on managing drought-stressed brome pastures this fall, planting windows and weed control for fall-seeded alfalfa, and registration information about upcoming field days.

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Drought-stressed soybean field
Drought-stressed soybeans with few to no pods present. Depending on economics to harvest, using drought-stressed soybeans for forage may be an option. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Soybeans for Forage

August 17, 2023
Brown soybean plants that were evaluated by crop insurance at 2-4 bu/ac can be grazed if a grower doesn’t wish to harvest them. They’re just low quality.

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Corn field
Having the experience and facilities to put up silage is one of many important considerations for producers faced with forage shortage concerns this year. (UNL Beef photo)

Is That Corn Crop Worth More as Silage or Grain?

August 16, 2023
When evaluating whether to harvest a field for silage or grain, there are several factors to consider. Both methods of harvest have advantages and disadvantages depending upon an operation’s goals and objectives.

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