CropWatch June 27
June 27, 2008
Wheat Production
- Adhere to Application Timing and Preharvest Intervals for Wheat Fungicides
- Update on Rust Diseases in Wheat
- Rising Fertilizer Prices Reinforce Need for Soil Testing, Careful Planning
- Harvest Aids for Small Grains
Corn Production
- Foliar Corn Diseases Developing Earlier than Normal
- Should Hail-Damaged Corn be Treated With Foliar Fungicides?
- Start Scouting for Soybean Aphids
- Scouting and Treating Western Bean Cutworms
- Links to Light Trap Data
Soybean Production
- Stay the Course When Replanting Soybeans
- Phytophthora and Pythium Showing Up in Nebraska Soybeans
- Hail Injury and Possible Soybean Diseases
Proso Millet Production
Alfalfa and Forage Production
- Controlling Potato Leafhoppers In Alfalfa
- Seeding Forages Into Wheat Stubble
- Storing Hay to Minimize Losses
- Grassed Waterways a Standard for Erosion Control
- Proper Maintenance Contributes to Windbreak Efficiency
Crop Reports
- Field Updates: Storm Damage, Wheat Progress
- Comparison Photos of Pre- and Post-Flood Field Damage
- USDA: Nebraska Soybean Acres Up; Corn Acres Down Slightly
- USDA: Nebraska Grain Stocks as of June 1
- USDA: Crop Condition
Health & Safety
- Tips for Testing and Treating Flooded Drinking Water Wells
- Protect Yourself from Mosquitos, West Nile