CropWatch April 4
April 4, 2008
Soybean Production
- On-farm Research: Dropping Soybean Seeding Rate Didn’t Hurt Yield
- Why Soybean Planting Date Matters
- With Early Soybeans Don’t Forget Seed Treatment Fungicide
Insect Management
- Heavy Army Cutworm Infestations Found In Some Panhandle Fields
- Plan Crop Refuges for Insect Resistance Management
Farm Management
- Research Groups Offer Farmer-Tested Answers
- Prospective Planting Report Adds Fuel to the Fire
- Forward Contracts May Be Best Bet In Unsteady Wheat Markets
- Estimating the Effect of Fuel Price Increases on Your Operation
- Tips on Calibrating a Hand-Held Sprayer
Alfalfa & Forage Production
- Consider Grass-Alfalfa Mixtures Instead Of Pure Alfalfa
- Use Care When Burning Grasslands
- Use Fertilizer, Legumes to Boost Pasture Production
UNL Resources & Programs
- Market Journal: Fine-tuning Your Marketing Plan
- Gudmundsen Site of Ag and Science Day for High School Youth
- UNL Offering In-depth Forage Course This Summer Online