CropWatch April 20, 2012 Index of Stories
As soils dried out toward the end of the week, corn planting picked up in central and eastern Nebraska. |
April 20, 2012
Wheat Production
- Stripe Rust Widespread in Southeast and South Central Nebraska. Plant Pathologist Stephen Wegulo's field survey found both wheat and wheat diseases progressing well ahead of normal, reinforcing the need for continued scouting now for disease and insect problems.
- Timing Critical to Treating Stripe Rust in Wheat
- Winter Wheat Developing Early, Vulnerable to Late Freeze
- Springtime Cereal Aphids Arrive Early in Winter Wheat
- Dry Weather and Brown Wheat Mites go Hand-in-Hand
Corn Production
- With Limited Moisture, Adjust Dryland Corn Seeding Rates. Western Nebraska missed the recent rains and soil moisture is limited in many areas. Corn seeding rates and cropping plans may need to be quickly reviewed.
Soybean Production
Insect Management
- Base Insect Decisions on Scouting, not the Calendar. Insects develop based on temperature. With this year's warmer than normal March, both migratory and overwintering insects are appearing early.
- Millers Pesky, but Cause Little Damage
Alfalfa Production
Crop Report
Extension Programs & Resources
- Market Journal Looks at Soil Erosion and How You Can Reduce It
- Field Crop Scout Training May 8 at UNL ARDC
- Extension Dates for Pesticide Container Recycling