The Yield Forecasting Center (YFC) will provide real-time information on corn phenology and forecasts of corn yield potential to aid growers and ag industry stakeholders in making management, logistics and marketing decisions through the 2023 season.
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala discusses Assure II, the only labeled herbicide currently on the market that can be applied to control corn volunteers in Enlist corn.
The average value of ag land in Nebraska increased for the fourth consecutive year, to $3,385 per acre, with the northeast, east and southeast districts experiencing the largest increases.
This webinar discusses the importance of family and employee dynamics to well-being and profitability, and examines research-based strategies for positively managing diverse talents and perspectives.
Growers are encouraged to share their insights on controlling wheat stem sawfly through the survey, which will help a UNL-led team of researchers find improved solutions for management of this pervasive wheat pest.
Extension experts weigh in on recent hail impacts in Nebraska and options producers should take into consideration regarding weed and disease control for damaged crops.
On June 9, producers and landowners received information on how 2022 fires may still affect their ranges, including recommendations for grazing and cheatgrass control in 2023.
Extension insights on grazing strategies to accommodate weather changes, grasshopper scouting and treatment recommendations, and tips for getting the most out of sub-irrigated meadow hay harvest in Nebraska.
Despite last week's rains bringing substantial improvements to drought across the state, corn and soybean conditions are quite poor for this point in the year, indicating yield losses may be likely regardless of how good the rest of the season is.
University of Nebraska personnel across all ag-related disciplines are continuing a rich, successful tradition of collaboration with Nebraska wheat growers to bolster crop productivity and enhance disease resistance.
Get a closer look at Glenn Spangler's on-farm research into soybean seeding rates with Nebraska On-Farm Research Network's new Growing Results photo gallery.
Hosted in the UNL maize breeding nursery, the workshop will give participants an introductory overview of the structure and complexity of a comprehensive hybrid breeding program.
Soil health specialists and scientists from UNL, USDA NRCS and USDA ARS are seeking opportunities to share their expertise and support with Nebraska growers on soil health education and projects.
Leading the department since 2018, Giesler has overseen the launch of a stand-alone plant pathology graduate degree program and the continued success of research and extension programs.
Producers can access their FSA farm records, maps and common land units through the portal to help expedite the crop acreage reporting process.
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.