Improving Nitrogen Management in Dryland Winter Wheat Production
September 3, 2020
Over the past two years of the study across multiple locations, we found that yield response to applied N rates was evident only in the wet year.
Early Forecasts Indicate Record Nebraska Corn Harvest
August 13, 2020
Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2020 corn production is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, up 1% from last year's production. Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 307 million bushels, up 8% from last year.
Selecting Winter Wheat Varieties - Best for Your Cropping System
July 21, 2020
Variety selection is one of the most important decisions a winter wheat grower has to make. The right or wrong decision can enhance or negate all other factors in profitable wheat farming.
Economics Improve with Dryland Corn and Grain Sorghum Following Weed Control in Winter Wheat Stubble
June 30, 2024
With winter wheat harvest underway, producers should be mindful of managing weeds in wheat stubble, as timely control can save water in the soil profile and increase yields in subsequent crops.
Winter Wheat Condition
April 9, 2020
Some producers are concerned with the condition of their winter wheat fields this spring. At the time of seeding last fall, some areas were dry and under no-till conditions it was difficult if not impossible to seed at the recommended seeding depth.
Undersowing Red Clover Into Winter Wheat as an N Source for Corn
March 11, 2020
Red clover can be an excellent green manure that fixes nitrogen, suppresses weeds, and increases corn yields. As a slow-growing cool-season legume, it is suitable to undersowing into winter small grains in early spring.
Should I Consider Spring Wheat in My Cropping System?
February 19, 2020
Beginning in the 1970’s winter wheat was included in Ecofarming rotations with no-till corn or grain sorghum and summer fallow as a means to capture and maintain soil water through snow retention, increased infiltration, reduced evaporation, and weed control with herbicides instead of tillage.
Tips for TAPS: 2020 Winter Wheat Marketing Strategies
January 17, 2020
Since the start of the 2019 UNL-TAPS wheat marketing competition, the July 2020 Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat Contract has rallied over $0.70 per bushel. So, what are some marketing strategies given the current market price?