Winter Wheat

Tips for TAPS: 2020 Winter Wheat Marketing Strategies

January 17, 2020
Since the start of the 2019 UNL-TAPS wheat marketing competition, the July 2020 Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat Contract has rallied over $0.70 per bushel. So, what are some marketing strategies given the current market price?

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Severe wheat treak mosaic in Deuel County.
A wheat field with severe wheat treak mosaic in Deuel County. (Photo by Stephen Wegulo)

Risk Factors for Virus Disease Spread and Development in Winter Wheat

August 30, 2018
Managing the wheat curl mite is critical in managing the disease risk to winter wheat, particularly in central and western Nebraska. This article outlines key risk factors to manage.

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Red-legged grasshopper nymph and adult
Red-legged grasshopper nymph and adult

Controlling Grasshoppers in Winter Wheat in the Fall

August 29, 2018
Grasshopper populations may decline in late summer, but remain significant enough to cause serious damage to emerging wheat. Monitor densities in field borders before and after planting.

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field pea

June Field Days for Field Peas, Pulses, Wheat, Forage and Cover Crops

May 16, 2018
A variety of winter and pulse crops will be featured at a series of seven field days to be held across the state this summer. The crops exhibited and speaker presentations will be customized to local needs.

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