Winter Wheat

Oat seedlings in field

Nebraska Winter Wheat Condition Unchanged, Oat Planting is Underway

April 7, 2021
For the week ending April 4, 2021, winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 43% fair, 38% good, and 2% excellent.

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Tractor planting field

Nebraska 2021 Prospective Plantings: Less Corn, More Soybeans

April 1, 2021
Nebraska corn growers intend to plant 9.90 million acres this year, down 3% from 2020, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. See more prospective planting data in this week's USDA-NASS report. 

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Wheat stem in field

USDA Reports Slightly Improved Winter Wheat Crop

April 1, 2021
For the week ending March 28, 2021, winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 45% fair, 36% good and 2% excellent.

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Spring planting in field

USDA Crop Progress Report for Feb. 21

February 25, 2021
For the week ending Feb. 21, topsoil moisture supplies rated 14% very short, 32% short, 51% adequate and 3% surplus, and winter wheat condition rated 9% very poor, 13% poor, 44% fair, 33% good and 1% excellent, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Harvesting crops in field
Michael Trimble, Unsplash

Grain Marketing Lingo: Common Phrases

February 18, 2021
Nebraska Extension educators break down the meaning of common phrases in commodity marketing for a simpler approach to selling your crops.

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Grain Marketing Lingo — Trading Codes

February 2, 2021
Confused by trading codes? Extension educator Jessica Groskopf sheds light on what each code component represents in a contract — and what it means for your grain marketing strategy.

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chart showing results of wheat trials

Improving Nitrogen Management in Dryland Winter Wheat Production

September 3, 2020
Over the past two years of the study across multiple locations, we found that yield response to applied N rates was evident only in the wet year.

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corn field
Photo by Agustina Diale

Early Forecasts Indicate Record Nebraska Corn Harvest

August 13, 2020
Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2020 corn production is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, up 1% from last year's production. Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 307 million bushels, up 8% from last year.

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