Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

Ron and Brad Makovicka standing in field

Growing Results: Nitrogen Fertilization in Soybeans

August 25, 2023
Learn about the Makovickas' 2023 on-farm research, which includes studying how soybeans in high-yield environments respond to supplemental nitrogen.

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Farmer inspects corn field
Nebraska On-Farm Research Network photo

Growing Results: Western Corn Rootworm Control

August 9, 2023
Nebraska farmers are conducting on-farm research to investigate alternative strategies for controlling western corn rootworm.

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Software field imagery

Growing Results: Nitrogen Management in Corn

July 27, 2023
Learn about current on-farm research efforts by a central Nebraska producer that aim to identify the impact of nitrogen rates on net return.

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tractor planting pinto beans in Boxe Butte County
Tractor planting pintos for a dry edible bean study in Box Butte County. Photo by Gary Stone.

On-Farm Research Projects Growing in the Panhandle of Nebraska

July 20, 2023
Nebraska Extension On-Farm Research is going on across the state, with hundreds of acres involved in projects including several in the panhandle.

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Producer analyzing fertigation system
Beginning July 31, the Sunset Seminar series will give producers across the state a chance to see the results of image-based nitrogen management research conducted by Nebraska farmers in 2023.

Sunset Seminars to Explore Capabilities and Impacts of Image-based Nitrogen Management

July 13, 2023
Free to attend, the Sunset Seminars will provide growers and agronomists a look at results from several Nebraska producers who have trialed Sentinel Fertigation's new N-Time™ software this growing season.

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Glenn Spangler in field
A summer intern conducts soybean stand counts on a soybean seeding rate on-farm research study.

Growing Results: Soybean Seeding Rates

July 6, 2023
Get a closer look at Glenn Spangler's on-farm research into soybean seeding rates with Nebraska On-Farm Research Network's new Growing Results photo gallery. 

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Interseeding video intro
It’s important to plan ahead of time and know your goals when adding cover crops to your operation. In this article, Nebraska Extension evaluates numerous cover crop species and provides guidance on how to choose the species that will best fit your production needs. This video shares additional information on cover crop species used.

Interseeding Cover Crops into Early Season Corn and Soybean: Species Selection

April 27, 2023
In this article, Nebraska Extension evaluates numerous cover crop species for interseeding and provides guidance on how to choose the species that will best fit your production needs.

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Soybean interseeded in wheat

Herbicide Considerations When Interseeding Cover Crops

April 20, 2023
UNL Extension professionals provide insights on timing and volume of herbicide applications for interseeded cover crops to help producers avoid germination and plant establishment issues this growing season.  

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