Freeze Risk Shifts from August Report
September 12, 2019
Climatologist Al Dutcher looks at freeze risks for various sites, maturities and planting dates for corn. In some areas slightly warmer-than-normal August temperatures reduced freeze risk while in others, conditions were cooler than normal.
Fall Freeze Risk as of early September (Table 1)
September 10, 2019
Fall Freeze Risk, August 2019 (Table 1)
August 8, 2019
2019 Freeze Risk as of July 31 for Multiple Nebraska Sites
August 8, 2019
Calculating the Odds of a Hard Freeze
August 7, 2019
How likely are you to see a hard freeze (28°F or less) before your corn reaches maturity? Check these tables based on current and historical conditions to see whether you're in an area of concern.
Forecast for Precipitation and End-of-Season Freeze Risk
September 19, 2017
Nebraska climatologist Al Dutcher forecasts the precipitation and temperature outlook through early October and examines the freeze risk prior to corn maturity for multiple hybrids and sites across Nebraska.