CropWatch March 7
March 7, 2008
Farm Management
Crop Nutrition
- Assessing the Relative Value of Soil Testing and Nutrient Accounting
- Protecting Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Investment
- Download Your Corn Nitrogen Calculator
- Factors Leading to Increased Fertilizer Costs
Plant Disease Control
- Foliar Fungicides On Corn: Label Changes And Potential Phytotoxic Effects
- Proline Fungicide Added for Wheat
- Changes in Foliar Fungicides for Soybean
Weather Update
Wheat Production
Alfalfa & Forage Production
- Organic Production Workshop March 19; Registrations Due March 14
- Market Journal: Ethanol Market Continues to Strengthen
- Severe Weather Symposium and WeatherFest March 29
AgNews & USDA Reports
- Researchers at UNL Determine On-Farm Costs of Producing Switchgrass for Ethanol
- NRCS State Conservationist Receives State Forester's Award
- Farmers Asked To Respond To 2007 Census Of Agriculture
- USDA: Crop/Cattle Condition Update