Comparison of node accrual between dicamba-injured soybean and non-injured soybean.

Dicamba’s Effect on Soybean Node Numbers

August 8, 2018
Do soybean continue to produce a new node every 3.7 days despite being injured by off-target dicamba exposure? That was the question examined in this on-farm study.

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Soybean research field

Field Case Study of Dicamba-Injured Soybeans using Forensic Analysis

August 8, 2018
A field of dicamba-injured soybeans is used as an example to demonstrate the forensic analysis method to determine when dicamba exposure occurred.

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Crop Conditions Favorable; Progress On-Track or Ahead

August 6, 2018
Crop condition was rated high in the July 6 USDA NASS crop report: with good to excellent ratings for corn, 85%; soybean, 84%; and sorghum, 84% Corn and sorghum maturity were advancing ahead of normal.

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Dicamba injury in soybean
Dicamba injury in soybean

Soybean Production and Dicamba Use Survey

August 3, 2018
Growers, crop consultants, and other stakeholders are invited to take an online survey on new soybean production and weed management systems.

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Soybean aphid speed scouting app

Scouting and Managing Soybean Aphids

August 2, 2018
Recommendations for scouting and managing soybean aphids, including why the 250-aphids-per-plant threshold is used. Two tools―an app and Excel worksheet―can help speed up scouting in the field and indicate when treatment is warranted.

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Soybean aphid

August Prime Time for Soybean Aphids

August 2, 2018
Soybean aphid populations can explode in August under favorable conditions. Vigilant scouting is recommended, especially in northeast Nebraska where populations have historically been highest, to allow for timely management decisions.

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A guide to estimating soybean leaf defoliation damage

Soybean Defoliators

August 1, 2018
Defoliation injury is being reported in soybeans and often can look worse than it is. This illustrated guide to assessing injury can help you get reliable scouting numbers on which to base sound treatment decisions.

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Soybean plants showing wilting and necrosis
Figure 1. Soybean plants exhibiting signs of wilting (A) and necrosis (B) in fields in eastern Nebraska.

Orange Gall Midge in Soybeans

August 1, 2018
Reports of orange gall midge in soybean increased in Nebraska this year and researchers have initiated in-field and laboratory studies to help learn more about its potential to reduce yield as well as best practices for its management.

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