Field with severe SCN infestation

New Methods Needed to Manage SCN in Soybean

September 19, 2018
Growers managing SCN may need to make some changes in the future to continue achieving control at the same level they expect now. As with other pest management strategies, an integrated, multi-method approach may offer the most benefits.

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Composite photo of corn, soybean, and sorghum plants at harvest
Figure 1. USDA NASS forecasts record corn, soybean, sorghum, and sugarbeet yields for Nebraska.

Corn and Soybean Forecast for Record Yields, Production

September 12, 2018
USDA forecasts record yields for Nebraska corn, soybean, sorghum and sugarbeet and record production for corn and soybean. Nationally, corn is forecast up 2% from 2017 and soybean, up 7%.

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Test plots showing sorghum (center) and other crops double-cropped after field peas in Saunders County in eastern Nebraska.

Double Cropping Pulses with Short-Season Crops, Forages, and Cover Crops in Eastern Nebraska

September 6, 2018
A research project in eastern Nebraska is evaluating a double crop production system as a potential alternative to the traditional corn/soybean rotation. Following an early season crop of yellow field peas, short-season crops (corn, soybean, grain sorghum, millet and sunflower) and annual forages (forage sorghum and sorghum-Sudangrass) were planted.

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Table of allowable storage times for soybeans at various temperatures

Better Soybean Storage Starts With Good Harvest Moisture

September 5, 2018
Storing soybeans at about 13% moisture can reduce mechanical damage and provide for a longer and higher quality storage. Here are some things to consider when storing soybeans.

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Corn under irrigation

Corn & Soybean 81% Good-Excellent; Maturity near Average

September 4, 2018

Both Nebraska's corn and soybean crops are rated 81% good to excellent, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service crop progress and condition report for the week ending September 2.

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Advanced sudden death syndrome in soybean

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in West Central Nebraska

August 24, 2018
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) was found in soybean near Sutherland in west central Nebraska last Friday. While uncommon in the area, moist conditions earlier in the year would have been favorable for its development.

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Soybean plant infested with orange gall midge.
Figure 1. Soybean plant infested with orange gall midge.

Survey of Orange Gall Midge in Nebraska: A Potential Pest of Soybeans

August 23, 2018
A relatively new insect in soybean, the orange gall midge has now been confirmed in 15 eastern Nebraska counties.Growers and consultants are invited to submit reports of orange gall midge in counties where it hasn't previously been identified.

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An ear of corn

Corn and Soybean Continue Slightly Ahead of Normal

August 20, 2018

Crop condition reports remained high this week with good-to-excellent ratings for 84% of the state's corn crop and 81% of the state's soybeans, according to today's report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Progress was generally ahead of normal.

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