How Crop Insurance May Soften the Blow of Low Quality Soybeans
October 24, 2018
Crop insurance is typically thought of as protecting against low yields and/or revenue, but it can also protect against low quality. With soybeans four types of discounts are considered.
Can Damaged or Discolored Soybeans be used as Cattle Feed?
October 24, 2018
Quality issues with soybeans this year are leading some growers to seek alternative markets. Damaged or discolored whole, raw soybeans can be a good protein source for cattle and provide a market option for growers.
25% of Nebraska Corn, 38% of Soybeans Harvested
October 15, 2018
Nebraska's harvest slowed last week with just 1.3 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service Oct. 15 report. In both corn and soybean, 80% of the crop was rated good to excellent.
NDSU Offers Advice on Drying Soybeans
October 12, 2018
Recent wet, rainy conditions are creating challenges for soybean producers wanting to dry and store this year's crop. NDSU Engineer Ken Hellevang offers advice for these conditions.
USDA Forecast Drops NE Corn Production, Ups Soybean Production
October 11, 2018
Based on October 1 conditions the USDA NASS Crop Production Report still forecasts record yield and production numbers for corn and soybean in Nebraska.
Corn Harvest 23% Done, Soybeans, 36%
October 9, 2018
In the week ending October 7, there were just 3.2 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service Crop Progress and Condition report for Nebraska.
Corn & Soybean Diseases Confirmed Sept. 13-28
September 28, 2018
Various corn stalk rots lead the list of corn and soybean diseases confirmed by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic September 13 - 28. Diseases are listed by reporting district.
Competitiveness of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp with Soybean
September 26, 2018
The objective of this study was to evaluate the competitiveness of three herbicide-resistant Nebraska waterhemp populations with soybean in a greenhouse environment. The results indicate the importance of enhancing early-season crop competitiveness.