corn planted vs week ending graph

Looking Back at Corn Planting Progress and Fieldwork Day Records: 1996 -2019

June 21, 2019
How do this year's corn planting delays compare with other years here and those in Illinois. After observing fields from Nebraska to Illinois on a recent trip, agronomist Roger Elmore digs into agricultural statistics dating back to 1996 to see just how this planting season and fieldwork days compare with previous ones.

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Soybean emerging from a crack in a heavily crusted field.

Considerations after Crusted Soybean

June 14, 2019
Soil crusting is challenging soybean emergence, but is it enough to warrant replanting? Here are early steps to remediate crusting problems and factors to consider when considering replanting.

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Strategies for delayed soybean planting

Strategies with Delayed Soybean Planting

May 24, 2024
Adjusting soybean planting practices (row spacing, seeding rate and the use of custom planting) and relative maturity of the variety can help maximize yield potential when planting after mid-June.

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Corn seeds germinating in soil
If you're unsure what corn hybrids will mature before average killing frost in your region of Nebraska, use the U2U GDD tool to compare scenarios of hybrids and planting dates for your location.

Corn Hybrid Maturities and Late Planting

May 24, 2024
Still planting corn and wanting to change to a different hybrid maturity? Here are some things to consider and a tool that can help you assess which hybrid options are likely to mature before an average fall freeze date for your location.

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Photos illustrating two points in rating system used to evaluate freeze damage to seedling corn. These show corn recovery from frost at V1-V2 growth stage in 2014 near Craig
Figure 1. Photos illustrating two points in rating system used to evaluate freeze damage to seedling corn. These show corn recovery from frost at V1-V2 growth stage in 2014 near Craig. (Photo by Roger Elmore)

Frozen, Emerged Corn?

May 10, 2019
Temperatures in some fields early Friday morning may have caused some to remember 2017 conditions and wonder about possible frost damage to corn seedlings. Here's how this year is different.

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Figure 1. A research plot at the university’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC) near Mead on May 13, 2019. The entire plot is covered with no-till corn residue. The west half also is covered with a November 17 planted cereal rye cover crop. Soil temperatures 2 inches deep were recorded in each half, but were essentially the same, so are averaged in this report.
Figure 1. A research plot at the university’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC) near Mead on May 13, 2019. The entire plot is covered with no-till corn residue. The west half also is covered with a November 17 planted cereal rye cover crop. Soil temperatures 2 inches deep were recorded in each half, but were essentially the same, so are averaged in this report.

Soybean Germination/Emergence with April Planting Dates Relative to Coincident Air and Soil Temperatures in April and May

May 16, 2019
A closer look at air and soil temperatures in April and soybean germination and emergence from 10 planting dates did not find chilling injury, despite periods below 50°F. Further research is needed to better understand the imbibitional period in soybean.

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With Delayed Corn Planting, Is It Time To Switch Maturities?

May 9, 2019
Research suggests that staying with a full-season hybrid until late May often provides the best yield. If planting is delayed to late May or early June, consider a medium-season CRM might be considered.

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Research plot with no-till corn residue, with left half planted to cereal rye in November 2018

Considerations when Planting Soybean Early

April 25, 2019
If you're planning to get an early start on your soybean planting, be sure to check for recommended soil temperatures and the forecast for the coming 48 hours to ensure optimal conditions for achieving good emergence.

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