Q&A: How are Soil Temperatures Recorded?

April 29, 2016

Q: When and how are CropWatch soil temperatures recorded?

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Photos of canopy closure based on various planting dates
Figure 3. Canopy cover in early July for each planting date in a 2015 Nebraska study. Authors note that fields that have closed canopy and are "green to the eye by the 4th of July" make the best use of sunlight to generate top yields.PD = planting date.

Early Bird Gets the Worm: Benefits of Early Soybean Planting

April 20, 2016
Weather during the growing season (sunlight, temperature, and rainfall) will ultimately determine the soybean yield potential in a given year. While it is difficult to predict the weather ahead, you have an opportunity to manage your planting date to increase the odds of achieving a higher yield in 2016.

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Soybean Seeding Rate Tips

April 20, 2016

Numerous soybean seeding rate studies have indicated that a final plant population of about 80,000 to 120,000 plants per acre is likely sufficient for ensuring an economic return, with the latter being based on weighing the slightly higher yield potential with higher final pl

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Inoculating Your Soybeans: When, Where, Why?

April 20, 2016

Nebraska farmers must scrutinize inputs and focus on finding profit for their estimated 5.3 million soybean acres  in 2016.

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Thermometer taking temperature of residue-covered soil
Taking the soil temperature

Three Key Considerations for Planting Corn and Soybeans

April 15, 2016
Planting as early as possible allows your crop to collect solar radiation sooner; however, the practice comes with some risks which need to be weighed against the benefit.

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Freeze-damaged corn
Figure 1. In 2014 Nebraska experienced widespread frost on May 15 and 17, resulting in plant damage (left) and "buggy-whipping" tissue-wrapping in early planted corn. (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Risk of Freeze Damage in Early Planted Corn

April 14, 2016

With dry conditions the last week and a forecast for rain this weekend, corn planting is progressing rapidly in Nebraska. While warm conditions may persist through April, the potential for freeze risk can still be high when early-planted corn emerges.

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Preseason Field Check of Planting Equipment

April 8, 2016

As you wait to start planting, take time now to check on how well your planter will perform in the field. As with any piece of equipment, the operator’s manual is the starting point for the initial settings and adjustments. Recommendations and trouble-shooting tips are available in the manual and from others who own and operate similar equipment.

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USDA: Nebraska Corn Acres up 3%; Soybeans Unchanged

March 31, 2016

Nebraska corn growers intend to plant 9.70 million acres this year, up 3% from 2015, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Nationally, corn planted area for all purposes is estimated to be 93.6 million acres in 2016, up 6% from last year.

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