Corn plant

Corn 95% Emerged, Soybeans Emerged 84%

June 8, 2021
For the week ending June 6, 2021, corn emerged was 95%, soybean emerged was 84% and winter wheat headed was 79%. More on sorghum, oats and dry edible beans in USDA NASS's latest report.

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Corn plant

Corn Emerged at 84%, Soybean Planting Nears Completion

June 2, 2021

For the week ending May 30, 2021, there were 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 2% very short, 10% short, 82% adequate and 6% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 3% very short, 17% short, 78% adequate and 2% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

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Corn plant

Corn at 95% Planted, Soybeans 85% Completed

May 25, 2021
For the week ending May 23, 2021, corn planted was 95%, soybeans planted was 85%, and sorghum planted was 28%.

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Corn plant

Corn Planting Nears Completion, Soybeans at 71%

May 19, 2021
For the week ending May 16, 2021, corn planted was 86%, near 89% last year, but ahead of 77% for the five-year average, and soybeans planted was 71%, near 75% last year, but well ahead of 46% average.

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Corn plant

Nebraska Corn Planting at 71%, Soybeans at 47%

May 11, 2021
For the week ending May 9, 2021, corn planted was 71%, soybeans planted was 47%, and sorghum planted was 6%.

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Cover crops interseeded in corn

Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn and Soybean: What We’ve Learned

May 6, 2021
Due to recent research efforts, Nebraska Extension educators expand recommendations on techniques and plant species used for interseeding cover crops in corn and soybeans.

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Corn plant

Corn, Soybean Planting Falls Slightly Behind 2020

May 4, 2021
Nebraska plantings are slightly behind in 2021, with corn planted 13% behind last year, soybeans 9% behind last year, and sorghum 5% behind last year, as of May 2.

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Cattle grazing pasture
If turned out early enough, cattle will successfully graze reed canarygrass, which is very nutritional at a young growth stage (less than 10 inches tall).

Pasture and Forage Minute: Spring Turn-out Strategies, Seedbed Preparation and Grazing Reed Canarygrass

April 27, 2021
In this week's Pasture and Forage Minute, Extension educators discuss the best time and location for spring turn-out and how to encourage cattle to graze reed canarygrass.

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