Manure spreader

Manure’s Impact on Yield, Nitrogen, and Carbon

May 3, 2018
If manure is applied at rates equal to or less than the nitrogen (N) requirement of a crop, can manure produce environmental benefits over commercial fertilizer? This article summarizes the "Take Home Messages" from a paper summarizing 141 studies relative to the question.

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Corn leaves showing signs of nitrogen deficiency
Figure 1. Corn at V10 growth stage displaying symptoms of N deficiency (inverted V-shaped yellowing starting at the tip of lower leaves). Corn can display these symptoms when N supply is insufficient, possibly due to multiple reasons, including losses.

Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers in Corn

April 19, 2018
Understanding how the three types of nitrogen stabilizers work can be helpful in deciding whether to add one to your spring application. Short- and long-term studies in Nebraska offer insight into how they performed across multiple years. Now, if you only knew how many inches of rain you'd get the first six weeks after application.

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Join the Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Grower Email Group

April 5, 2018
A new email listserve offers eastern Nebraska winter wheat growers a means for asking questions and sharing information with other growers as well as getting weekly highlights and resources.

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Nebraska Soybean N Trials
Figure 1. Photos of one site of the Nebraska Extension Soybean Management Field Day research (2013) that compared the effects of several nitrogen treatments on soybeans. Pictured is the zero N control on the left and the 400 lbs/ac split N application on the right. Averaged over four sites the control yielded 73.4 bu/ac and the 400 lbs N averaged 78.9 bu/ac. (To view the results from this study, see, pages 1-6.)

Nitrogen on Soybeans — the Hope Never Dies

November 6, 2017
Nebraska Soil Scientist Charles Shapiro offers a synopsis of two new publications, both with University of Nebraska authors, that address the question of the nitrogen deficit between soil supply and nitrogen fixation and what affects whether increased nitrogen leads to increased yield.

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Nebraska soil temperature map
Maps of one-day and the weekly average soil temperatures are updated daily by Nebraska Mesonet and featured in the CropWatch Weather section.

Minnesota Research on Nitrogen Inhibitors

October 20, 2017
Minnesota research examines the use of inhibitors with fall nitrogen applications. Access Nebraska soil temperatures, provided by Nebraska Mesonet, online in CropWatch.

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Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)
Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)

SARE Grant Aids Farmer in Using Drones to Test N Applications

October 2, 2017
Dean Stevens well knows the value of getting a bird’s-eye view of his crops to assess plant health, wind damage, and pest threats. Now, with the support of an NCR SARE grant, this southeast Nebraska farmer is using a drone outfitted with crop sensors to assess corn nitrogen needs and respond with variable rate in-season applications.

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N losses

Managing Nitrogen to Reduce Losses as Nitrous Oxide

September 18, 2017
Nitrogen is a key factor in farm management and economics. One of the most expensive inputs for corn production, it can be easily lost to the environment. One avenue for losing N, as nitrous oxide, has an impact on our climate as a greenhouse gas. Successful strategies for reducing N losses, especially as nitrous oxide, benefit both farmers and the environment.

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Market Journal title

Market Journal on Nitrate Leaching, Marestail Control and More

June 9, 2017

On this week's Market Journal with host Jeff Wilkerson view these segments:

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