The Long View of Nitrogen Recommendations from Nebraska Extension
At the 2017 Crop Production Clinics, the Nebraska Extension Soils Team is presenting a historical overview of how nitrogen recommendations for corn have developed and changed since the 1950s. We are also discussing what may lay ahead for nitrogen management.
Is Nitrogen Fixation Oversold with Legume Cover Crops?
One expected benefit of using legumes as a cover crop is to provide a source of nitrogen (N) to the cropping system. However, when legumes are included in mixtures with grasses and broadleaves for a relatively short growing period, the amount of actual fixed N may be relatively low.
Nitrate Nitrogen or Nitrate — What's the Difference?
I just got the nitrate test results back from the lab and the level was 3,000. Am I in trouble?
Use Corn Stalk Nitrate Tests to Evaluate N Management
Q&As: How much N is Left? Do I Need More Starter When Replanting?
Well, it seems not much has changed since the last article I wrote on nitrogen (N) management a few weeks back: more rain, more to come, and more uncertainty with regard to N. So, what do we do now and why I am not worried about the other nutrients? Why is it always about N?
Nutrient Levels, Fertility, and the Price Squeeze
Current economic conditions are a challenge for crop producers to earn profits from corn, soybean, winter wheat, and milo production. Following is a discussion around how to make nutrient decisions this year. Robert Tigner is an Extension Educator focusing on agricultural economic issues.
Managing and Preparing for Nitrogen Loss
Spring is officially here, and with it the uncertainty of spring rains or late snow showers. For many Nebraska farmers, finishing preparation for planting or waiting on the starting line to plant is the number one priority. Nitrogen (N) management may not be the most important thought crossing their minds. But, now is a great time to think about N management for this upcoming season.