Nebraska Extension

Charles Stoltenow mugshot

Stoltenow Named Dean and Director of Nebraska Extension

December 14, 2021
Currently the assistant director of extension for agriculture and natural resources at North Dakota State University, Stoltenow will begin his duties as the new dean and director of Nebraska Extension on Jan. 1, 2022.

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Farmer in tractor

2022 Crop Inputs and Cost of Production Workshops

October 26, 2021
In these workshops, extension educators will discuss the forces that are driving input costs and commodity prices, fertilizer recommendations based on soil test results, and preparing cost of production budgets.

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Nebraska Extension Soil and Nutrient Management Specialist Bijest Maharjan will serve as conference chair at this year's North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, scheduled for Nov. 17-18 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Panhandle Soils/Nutrient Management Specialist Chairs Multi-state Soil Fertility Conference

October 26, 2021
Led by UNL assistant professor Bijesh Maharjan, the conference will feature presentations on fertilizer manufacture and outlook, biological nitrogen-fixing crop amendments, emerging chloride issues in closed watersheds and precision nutrient management.

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Cattle grazing rye cover crop

Nebraska Extension Provides New Cover Crop Grazing Conference Nov. 16

October 25, 2021
A new expo by Nebraska Extension will help first-time or experienced farmers looking to fine-tune their cover crop grazing management utilizing cover crops as an alternative forage source.

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Extension field day discussion

Agri 042 Intro to Production Ag Class Offers Digital Badge

October 7, 2021
The new Agri 042 Introduction to Production Ag in Nebraska class at ENREEC seeks to provide an overview of the production methods and systems involved in bringing food, fiber and fuel to consumers.

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Pesticide application

Survey to Evaluate Chemical Weed Control Methods in Corn, Soybeans

October 7, 2021
The objective of the survey is to understand the main chemical weed control strategies and weed escapes in soybean and corn production fields during the 2021 growing season and to evaluate the interest and awareness regarding novel targeted herbicide spraying technologies. 

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Husker Harvest Days file photo
After a virtual event in 2020, the 2021 Husker Harvest Days will be in-person, featuring a program by Nebraska Extension educators and specialists that will share research on a wide array of agriculture topics.

Extension to ‘Cultivate Opportunities’ for Attendees at 2021 Husker Harvest Days

August 24, 2021
Teams of Nebraska Extension educators and specialists will be sharing their field-proven experiences with new research-based, unbiased information at the 2021 Husker Harvest Days (HHD) farm show Sept. 14-16.

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2019 CMDC demo with attendees
The 2021 Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics will highlight the latest research on corn and soybean production, with live plot demonstrations and training sessions with CCA credits. The corn production clinic is Aug. 25, and soybeans are the focus of the Aug. 26 clinic.

Nebraska Extension Provides In-Field Training in August on Corn and Soybean Production

August 5, 2021
In-field training during the clinic includes plot observations for crop growth and development at a range of vegetative/reproductive growth stages, with CCA credits available for both days.

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