Nebraska Extension

Dry bean field
Dry edible bean field in western Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

2023 Dry Edible Bean Day Set for Feb. 7 in Gering

January 31, 2023
Numerous UNL experts are set to present updates on the dry edible bean breeding program, on-farm research studies, pest and nutrient management research, and more.

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Aerial view of field
Aerial image: Crop response (dark patches in chlorotic acres) to soil health restoration using soil carbon amendment in Nebraska Panhandle. Hands-on activities and demos on soil health practices will be just one part of the educational experience during the first Nebraska Soil Health School on March 2 in Bridgeport.

Nebraska Soil Health School Registration Open

January 12, 2023
Free to attend, the first Nebraska Soil Health School will feature presentations, demonstrations and hands-on activities related to soil health education, and will offer certified crop advisor CEUs.

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Land Application locations

2023 Manure Training Locations and Dates

January 12, 2023
All are welcome to attend the training sessions, which will help producers learn how to best use manure on their operations, as well as provide an update on land application regulations. 

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Combine in field
Photo by Laura Thompson

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Meetings Begin Feb. 15

January 5, 2023
Nebraska farmers and agronomists are set to present results of their 2022 on-farm research studies on cover crops, variable rate seeding, starter fertilizer, biological products, seed treatments, variable rate nitrogen management and more.

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Calculator with financial papers

Extension Sets Financial Record-keeping Course for Farmers and Ranchers in January

December 5, 2022
The first 2023 session of Nebraska Extension's record-keeping course will be on Tuesdays in January, beginning Jan. 10.

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TAPS banquet flier

TAPS Banquet to Celebrate 2022 Competitions

November 30, 2022
After a social hour and dinner, TAPS organizers will discuss the findings from this year’s competitions, present data derived from teams’ decisions, and end the evening with honors to the award recipients for each contest.

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Soybean Day expo
The 2022 Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo kicks off at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 with the opening of the expo, followed by speaker sessions beginning at 9:10 a.m.

Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo Offers 2023 Growing Season Information

November 30, 2022
Presentations at the 2022 expo will highlight soybean market predictions for 2023, management of soybean stem borer and how to plan a successful transition for your farm or ranch operation.

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Drought-affected field
This year's program will assist producers with making decisions for the 2023 growing season, as well as renewing their private pesticide applicator licenses.

Confronting Cropping Challenges Program to be Offered in November and December 2022

November 8, 2022
This year's program will provide growers with extension insights on corn tar spot, drift management and drought-related considerations such as irrigation, and herbicide and nutrient carryover.

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