Nebraska Extension Provides In-Field Training in August on Corn and Soybean Production

August 5, 2021

Nebraska Extension Provides In-Field Training in August on Corn and Soybean Production

By Deloris Pittman - Marketing and Promotions Manager for Eastern Nebraska REEC

2019 CMDC demo with attendees
The 2021 Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics will highlight the latest research on corn and soybean production, with live plot demonstrations and training sessions with CCA credits. The corn production clinic is Aug. 25, and soybeans are the focus of the Aug. 26 clinic.

Nebraska Extension is providing in-field training opportunities during the Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics. Training includes the Wednesday, Aug. 25 Midwest Corn Production Clinic and the Thursday, Aug. 26 Midwest Soybean Production Clinic.

2019 CMDC demo with attendees
The Aug. 25 Midwest Corn Production Clinic will feature the latest research updates on corn genetics, pests, irrigation, soil fertility, weed management and more.

The clinics offer the following:

  • Hands-on, in-field training with CCA credits.
  • Education from the unbiased expertise of university specialists.
  • Up-to-date, current, research-based information.
  • One-on-one attention, actual on-site plot demonstrations, and beneficial interaction with other participants. The small manageable groups promote interaction between presenters and participants.
  • The training sessions consistently receive excellent reviews.
  • Held at a site specifically developed for the training at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead, Nebraska. (A short drive — 50 minutes from Eppley Airfield-Omaha or 35 minutes from the Lincoln Airport)
  • Money back guarantee if not completely satisfied with the training.

Participants will see a growing season in one place at the training sessions. They will observe plots with crop growth and development at a range of vegetative/reproductive growth stages. Discount available if attending both soybean and corn sessions.

Aug. 25 Midwest Corn Production Clinic

Topics include:

  • Agronomy Cultural Practices
  • Genetics/Production: How much of the yield potential can be fulfilled?
  • Insect Damage in Corn
  • Plant Pathology
  • Soil Fertility
  • IPM for Successful Weed Management in Corn
  • Irrigation Management

Eight total CCA credits have been approved. (Two crop management, two nutrient management, 1 soil and water management, and three pest management.)

Aug. 26 Midwest Soybean Production Clinic

Topics include:

  • Cultural Practices
  • Insect Management in Soybeans
  • Plant Pathology
  • Soil Fertility
  • IPM for Successful Weed Management in Soybean

Eight total CCA credits have been approved. (Two crop management, one nutrient management, one soil and water management, and four pest management.)

Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat and resource materials. If registering for one clinic, cost is $115 by Friday, Aug. 20. A two-day discount is provided for those registering for both corn and soybean clinics; cost is $170 by Friday, Aug. 20.

Participants will meet at the August N. Christenson Research and Education Building at the University’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead, Nebraska. Timeframes for each clinic: Corn Production Clinic is from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., with 7:30 a.m. registration; Soybean Production Clinic is from 8:25 a.m.-5:10 p.m., with registration at 8 a.m.

Visit the website for additional information or to register. Or contact Nebraska Extension CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, or fax (402) 624-8010.

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