Insect Management


Scout Emerging Corn for Insects; Don't Take Protection for Granted

May 16, 2018
As corn begins to emerge, be alert to the potential for damage from early season insects such as cutworms, wireworms, white grubs or wheat stem maggot. Seed treatments provide some protection, but can be overwhelmed in some circumstances, allowing losses.

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Life cycle of the black grass bug in western Nebraska

Scouting Recommended in Wheatgrass for Black Grass Bugs

April 27, 2018
In western Nebraska when wheatgrass, especially crested wheatgrass, starts growing, it’s time to begin monitoring for black grass bugs. Feeding damage caused by these insects can substantially reduce wheatgrass forage production.

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Cover crop field with mixed-species plantings
Later season field of cover crops in southeastern Nebraska. (Photo by Paul Jasa)

Timing of Cover Crop Termination and Related Factors

April 20, 2018
Should the cold spring delay cover crop termination? Growers walk a fine line between growing cover crops long enough to get the biomass they want without reducing yield in the following grain crop. This discussion from an agronomist, entomologist and weed scientist looks at various factors to consider.

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Western bean cutworm larvae on an ear of corn

Efficacy of Foliar Insecticide Treatments for Western Bean Cutworm in Corn

April 11, 2018
Researchers report on three years of field research in west central Nebraska where 4-14 insecticide treatments were tested under irrigated conditions.

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Insects in Cover Crop Systems

April 6, 2018
If you missed the March 14 Nebraska Extension webinar on "Insects in Cover Crop Systems" with Justin McMechan, it's now available online.

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Figure 1. Rye cover crop planted in small sections of field for erosion control. Center photo shows a section of ground where cover crop did not establish with normally developing plants. Damaged corn plants were primarily restricted to areas where cover crop was present.
Figure 1. Rye cover crop planted in small sections of field for erosion control. Center photo shows a section of ground where cover crop did not establish with normally developing plants. Damaged corn plants were primarily restricted to areas where cover crop was present.

Wheat Stem Maggot in Corn: Plan on Scouting Your Cover Crop Fields This Spring

March 8, 2018
Wheat stem maggots were an issue for some eastern and southern Nebraska farmers planting corn directly into a growing cover crop, leading to questions about how to best manage this scenario in 2018. Learn why entomologists don't recommend adding an insecticide to the herbicide when terminating the cover crop.

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A March 14 noon-hour webinar will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.
A March 14 webinar will explore the problem of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.

March 14 Webinar on Wheat Stem Maggot in Cover Crops

March 2, 2018
A noon-hour webinar on March 14 will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damage in corn planted directly into wheat or rye cover crops in 2017. Learn more about what happened and how to plan for 2018.

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Whole Farm Planning Featured at Farming Evolution Feb. 13-14

February 2, 2018
Topics at the 2018 Farming Evolution program Feb. 13-14 in Colorado will include no-till, cover crops, grazing livestock on cropland, and the importance of biodiversity in pest management as part of a whole-farm/whole-ranch plan.

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