Insect Management

Map of soybean gall midge infestation locations in Midwest
A total of 164 counties have been documented as infested with soybean gall midge as of Aug. 9, with two new counties located in Kansas and six counties in Iowa.

Soybean Gall Midge Detected Across Nebraska Fields

September 12, 2023
With soybean gall midge emergence dates and locations advancing in the state, Nebraska Extension educators stress the importance of scouting and documenting observations, which can inform ongoing research on management options.  

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Scouting Western Bean Cutworm

August 4, 2023
Learn how to identify western bean cutworm eggs and larvae, and how to determine timing for insecticide applications in the latest N Field Observations.

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Soybean aphids on leaf

Although at Low Levels, Soybean Aphids are in Nebraska

August 2, 2023
With soybean aphid infestations, it's important to preserve natural enemies under an integrated pest management approach, as well as treating only when pest populations reach economic or treatment thresholds, to let beneficial insects do their work.

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Soybean aphid

Soybean Aphid Scouting and Management

August 2, 2023
Soybean aphids in Nebraska typically reach the economic threshold and require treatment in late July through August. Treatment during this time is usually enough to keep aphid populations from resurging before they leave fields for the season. 

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Field plot sign
Content for the upcoming Corn and Soybean Production Clinics will be tailored to each location, to better represent the diversity of crop production concerns across the state.

Nebraska Extension Provides Nebraska Corn and Soybean Clinics Aug. 29 at North Platte and Aug. 31 at Mead

August 1, 2023
See a "growing season" all in one place, with hands-on interaction and field demos that will address corn and soybean production concerns for growers across Nebraska.

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Corn leaf aphids

Watch for Aphids in Corn

July 27, 2023
Aphids cause the greatest amount of injury while they are feeding within the whorl prior to tassel emergence. Treatment may be needed if pollination is no more than half complete and more than half of the corn tassels are covered with aphids.

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Miller moths

Spring Miller Moth Invasion

May 23, 2023
While they don't cause damage to plants when feeding, migrating army cutworm moths can be an irksome household pest. Fortunately, there are simple management methods to prevent them from entering homes and other structures. 

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Fall Armyworm

Fall Armyworms in Pastures, Alfalfa, Small Grains, Cover Crops, and Lawns

September 24, 2021
We continue to receive questions on management with the unprecedented number of fall armyworms experienced in Nebraska this fall. The following is a Q/A to address the specific questions we’ve received.

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