Insect Management

People gather at field's edge to listen to presentation
Attendees gather to listen to a presentation during a past South Central Agricultural Laboratory Field Day. Presentations during the 2024 SCAL Field Day will include technologies for irrigation scheduling, corn and soybean disease updates, optimizing nitrogen use efficiency via sensor-based fertigation, and more. (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture photo)

South Central Agricultural Lab Field Day Kicks Off Aug. 8

July 25, 2024
This year's SCAL Field Day features a live demonstration of John Deere's new camera-based weed detection technology, See and Spray™.

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Men and women look at soybean plant near field
Attendees gather in the field for discussion during the 2023 Soybean Management Field Days in Dewitt. (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture photo)

New Format for Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days

July 23, 2024
New in 2024, three of the four Soybean Management Field Days will be hosted during evening hours at sites across eastern and central Nebraska.

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Photo collage of insect on plant leaf and hand holding bisected plant stem
Figure 1. Adult soybean stem borer, Dectes texanus texanus (left) and larval tunneling in soybean petioles (right) at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center in June 2024.

Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean

July 10, 2024
A difficult insect to manage, soybean stem borer has expanded its reach in Nebraska. This extension article reviews considerations for scouting and control options, plus resources for producers to learn more on this crop pest.

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Grasshopper on plant leaf
While grasshoppers are considered damaging to rangeland and crops, only a handful of Nebraska’s species have been known to cause damage. Correct identification of these species’ nymphal developmental stage will improve results from insecticide applications. See the Grasshopper Pest Management page for identification resources.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Management Considerations for Grasshopper, Poison Hemlock and Yucca

June 20, 2024
Economic thresholds of grasshoppers have been observed in some Nebraska pastures — review the square foot method and insecticide options to begin scouting and control measures. 

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Western bean cutworm on corn

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight in 2024

June 19, 2024
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Leafy spurge closeup
Leafy spurge spreads aggressively and is difficult to control once established. Several herbicides are labeled for control of this weed, but continued monitoring and retreatments are necessary for best results.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Leafy Spurge and Alfalfa Weevil, Planting Warm-season Annuals

May 28, 2024
Strategies for reducing spread of leafy spurge and scouting for alfalfa weevil, plus insights on selecting and planting warm-season annuals.

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Soybean seedling damaged by pillbugs

Pillbugs Causing Injury to Soybean Crops in Nebraska

May 23, 2024
Management of pillbugs is challenging. While some insecticides and planting strategies may help control pillbug populations, producers should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach.

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Silage pit on farm covered with tires
Once silage is exposed to oxygen, its quality can decrease quickly. For best results, don’t expose more than three days’ worth of a pile at a time.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Retaining Silage Quality During Feedout, Grasshopper Management

May 21, 2024
Tips on retaining silage condition during feedout, planning the optimal time for grass hay harvest, and controlling grasshopper in rangeland and forages.

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