Insect Management

Western bean cutworm damaging an ear of corn
Western bean cutworm damaging an ear of corn

Nebraska Perspective on Efficacy of Cry1F Bt Corn Against Western Bean Cutworm

October 21, 2016
While entomologists in the Eastern Corn Belt this month reported reduced efficacy of the Cry1f Bt protein against western bean cutworm in corn, Nebraska growers have been facing this for several years. While Cry1F products will still help control other pests, growers are advised to scout for WBC and determine whether treatment is necessary.

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Soybean stem borer larva
Soybean stem borer larva

Soybean Stem Borers Feeding in South Central Nebraska

August 16, 2016
We are starting to see dead leaves caused by feeding of soybean stem borer larvae in south central Nebraska soybeans. No control measures are appropriate at this time, but monitor your fields and be aware that high populations of soybean stem borers may predispose the field to lodging and make harvest difficult.

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Twospotted spider mites on leaf
Figure 1. Twospotted spider mites. Almost microscopic in size, the spider mites may be imperceptible on a leaf, but become more visible against its silk-like webs. (Photos by Jim Kalisch)

Managing Spider Mites in Corn and Soybean

July 26, 2022
Recommendations for managing spider mites in corn and soybean, including treatment thresholds and insecticides, as well as discussions on the potential impact of beneficial insects, diseases and insecticide applications.

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Spider mite damage to soybean leaves.
Spider mite damage to soybean leaves.

Identifying Spider Mite Damage and the Species Responsible

July 26, 2022
With growing reports of spider mites damaging corn and soybeans in Nebraska, it's important to check leaves closely, as many other crop issues can cause similar discoloration.

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Adult differential grasshopper
Adult differential grasshopper

Watch For Grasshoppers in Crops

August 9, 2016
Growers are reporting grasshoppers in field borders moving into crop fields in parts of Nebraska. Here are the insect treatments to help you determine treatment need.

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Engorged American dog tick
Engorged American dog tick

Tick Prevention Worth the Effort

August 2, 2016
It's tick season in Nebraska and time to create a barrier between you and these disease-transmitting pests. See tips for avoiding their bite and what to do if you find one on your body. Also see photos to aid in identification.

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Figure 1. Sugarcane aphids. (Photo credit: Patrick Porter, Texas Cooperative Extension,
Figure 1. Sugarcane aphids. (Photo credit: Patrick Porter, Texas Cooperative Extension,

Be on the Lookout for Sugarcane Aphids on Sorghum

July 29, 2016
Nebraska grain sorghum producers are being advised to be on the lookout for sugarcane aphids. While this pest hasn't been a problem in Nebraska previously, it is in Kansas and moving north. The sugarcane aphid is light yellow to gray in color, with dark cornicles (“tail-pipes”) at the end of the body and dark tarsi (feet). Adult aphids can be winged or wingless.

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Soybean aphid
Soybean aphid

Decision Making for Soybean Defoliating Insects

July 15, 2016
July is when growers start to see a variety of defoliators in Nebraska soybean fields. It's easy to overestimate the amount of defoliation and soybean plants can compensate for some leaf area loss. This article describes how to assess defoliation and provides basic treatment thresholds.

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