Pasture and Forage Minute: Strategies for Alfalfa Weevil, Water Demands and Grass Surpluses
June 8, 2021
With alfalfa weevils remaining in the fields, extension educators share their recommendations for late spring infestation management strategies — plus, the benefits of using excess summer growth for winter grazing.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Scouting Plant Growth for Harvest, Grazing
June 1, 2021
Extension educators discuss their strategies for handling delays in first cutting of alfalfa, timing of grass hay harvest and extending forage supply after a cool spring has limited pasture production.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Time for Forage Program Analysis, Fertilizing Grasses and Spurge Control
May 25, 2021
The end of May is a good time to assess various pasture and forage needs, such as the status of your annual hay and forage program, potential need for fertilizing warm-season grasses and controlling leafy spurge in its early stages.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Cutting Prep and Weevil Control
May 19, 2021
With alfalfa fields maturing, it's time to consider first cutting strategies and concerns, including irrigation before harvest and scouting for alfalfa weevil.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Harvesting Small Grains, Fertilizing Hay Meadows and Selecting Summer Annual Grass
May 13, 2021
A review of strategies for harvesting small grains as hay or silage, plus fertilizing summer hay meadows for extra hay next winter and how to select the right summer annual grasses for your operation.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Spring Turn-out Strategies, Seedbed Preparation and Grazing Reed Canarygrass
April 27, 2021
In this week's Pasture and Forage Minute, Extension educators discuss the best time and location for spring turn-out and how to encourage cattle to graze reed canarygrass.
Evaluating the Performance of Kernza® Perennial Grain in Eastern Nebraska
April 20, 2021
The first coordinated research effort on Kernza as a potential cash grain crop for Nebraska producers shows promising results.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Growth and Seeding Concerns, Selecting Herbicides
April 19, 2021
Maximize water usage in your alfalfa fields this year with tried-and-true techniques, such as adding cereals and no-till seeding.