How Freezes Affect Forages

October 3, 2017
Frost can causes important changes in plant metabolism and composition, making forages a hazard to cattle for several days after a freeze.

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Drying Sorghums and Millets for Baling

August 4, 2017
Drying sorghums, sudans, and millets enough to bale can be a challenge in some summers. The author offers several steps to improve cutting and dry-down.

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Adjusting Forage Management for Summer Heat

July 18, 2017

The current heat wave is taking a toll on forage plants, particularly cool-season plants. Alfalfa and clovers, bromegrass, orchardgrass, fescues, needlegrasses, and wheatgrasses all struggle during hot weather, but adjusting your management can limit the stress from stressful weather.

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Forage Options with Damaged Corn

July 18, 2017

Spotty rains and drought conditions in some areas of the state as well as hail and wind damage are leading growers to seek alternative uses for rainfed corn fields. Fortunately, there are several forage alternatives.

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Options for Forage Following Wheat

June 16, 2017
If you still have good moisture after wheat harvest, planting a forage crop may be a good option.

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Cover Crops field trial

Cover Crop and Annual Forage Field Day June 29 near Sidney

June 5, 2017
A June 29 field day, Incorporating Cover Crops and Annual Forages into Cropping Systems, will be held at the University of Nebraska High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney. University specialists and researchers will discuss what they're finding from their research and lead guided tours of field trials. RSVP by June 19

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Plan the Timing of Grass Hay Harvest

May 24, 2017

Native meadows will soon start growing rapidly and bromegrass is about to head out.  Here are some tips to make your grass hay suitable for your animals.

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forage windrows
Under current market prices, windrow grazing annual forages may be a competitive option with cash grain crops. (Photo by Aaron Berger)

Annual Forages and Windrow Grazing as an Alternative to Cash Grain Crops

April 18, 2017

The relationship between current grain prices and forage/pasture prices in western Nebraska is creating a scenario where forage crops may provide an economically viable alternative to a cash grain crop. From an economic perspective, at current market prices, 1.5 tons per acre of annual forage is competitive with cash grain crops in terms of generating gross dollars per acre.

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