Successfully Seeding Forages Into Wheat Stubble

June 10, 2016
Wheat stubble can be an excellent seedbed to plant forages into using no-till.  It may take some planning, though, to be successful.

The first and most important step of double-cropping forages after wheat harvest is establishing a good stand?  So what’s the trick to getting good stands?  Well maybe, it’s planting no-till immediately after combining the wheat.

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Screen capture of RMA forage insurance decision support tool
Screen capture of RMA forage insurance decision support tool

July 15 Deadlines Approaching For Annual Forage Insurance

May 23, 2016
Annual Forage Insurance coverage is available in Nebraska for annual forage plants seeded for use as livestock feed or fodder. This includes, but is not limited to, plants seeded for grazing, haying, grazing/haying, grain/grazing, green chop, grazing/green chop, or silage. The deadline is July 15 for 1) sign-up for coverage on fall-planted forage and 2) reporting on coverage purchased last December.

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Fertilizing Cool-Season Pastures in May

May 12, 2016

Most pastures have good soil moisture from spring rains. Fertilizing now might help you take advantage of that moisture for increased grass growth.

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Getting the Most Forage Value from Your CRP

April 13, 2016

With prior approval from your county FSA office, some Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres can now be periodically used as pasture or hay.  If that is in your plans, take steps to make it work for you.

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Take Advantage of Spring Moisture to Boost Pastures, Alfalfa

April 1, 2016

Most of us have more moisture in our soil profiles this spring than we’ve experienced in a long time.  Following are some suggestions for how to take full advantage of this promising condition to better your pastures.

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Consider Double Cropping Forages on Crop Ground

March 23, 2016

Can’t make money on your crop ground and need more pasture? Double cropping annual forages may be a better option.

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Planning Annual Forage Systems

March 11, 2016
With continued strong demand for summer pasture, some producers are looking at cropland alternatives to produce grazing forage.

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