Seed Supply of Summer Annual Forages May be Short
May 22, 2019
Several factors this spring may be limiting alfalfa and hay production, making summer annual forages a good option to ensure livestock feed is available later. If you're consider this, be sure to obtain the seed you want before supplies tighten.
Summer Annual Forages Following a Failed Wheat Crop
May 10, 2019
With a good soil moisture profile but a failing wheat crop, planting summer annual forages may be a good alternative. The summer annual forage that is the best fit will depend on the production system and goals of the producer.
Growing Annual Forages to Replace Flood Losses
April 12, 2019
Five video presentations are now available to address seed selection and production of annual forages that might be used to replace hay and pasture lost to the flood. Topics include successful forage production, nutrient value of the feed, and related government program.
A New NebGuide: Perennial Grass or Grass-Legume in Rotation with Annual Crops
March 29, 2019
Including perennial grass or a grass-legume mixture in up to a nine-year rotation may help improve soil productivity and profitability while achieving other benefits.
Disposing of Flood-Soaked Grains and Forages
March 28, 2019
Regulatory considerations and recommended actions for managing flood-soaked grains and forages no longer usable for food or feed.
Burning, Disking, and Spraying Consequences on Big Bluestem Forage Yield, Nutritive Value, and Native Legume Establishment
March 14, 2019
A two-year study evaluated establishment of two native legume species into five-year old established big bluestem pastures and compared seven treatments.
Native Warm-Season Grass Management and Planting Decisions for Alternative Forages
January 9, 2019
One of the most important drivers of productivity and cost effectiveness of annual forages is planting date. Having realistic planting date expectations is one key to proper species selection.
How Freezing Temperatures Affect Forages
October 15, 2018
When plants freeze, changes occur in their metabolism and composition that can poison grazing livestock if not properly managed. Delayed grazing is often the best solution, but how long should grazing be delayed?