
Pasture and Forage Minute: Cornstalk Quality for Grazing

November 2, 2021
This week, extension educators review the signs of deteriorating cornstalk feed quality and how to determine a timeline for grazing corn residue based on bushels produced.

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Frost damaged alfalfa
While six weeks before the first frost is traditionally a good method for timing the last cutting of alfalfa, producers can also use growing degree days to formulate a more accurate date.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Winterizing Alfalfa and Grazing Small Grains

October 25, 2021
Extension Educator Ben Beckman reviews his recommendations on winterizing alfalfa using growing degree days, and which small grains to focus grazing on this fall. 

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 Nightshade plant
Large populations of black nightshade in corn stalks can be deadly to livestock, so careful observation during grazing is recommended.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Nightshade Poisoning, Planning Forage During Shortages and Inflation

October 18, 2021
This week, extension educators address concerns about cattle grazing black nightshade in corn fields and preparing a forage plan for 2022 to mitigate rising costs of inputs.

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Yucca plants
Herbicides are most effective against yucca infestations when applied in spring or summer on individual plants or small patches.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Prussic Acid, Yucca and Fall Irrigation

October 12, 2021
In this week's article, educators review concerns on prussic acid development in sorghum plants, herbicide control for soapweeds in grazing lands and irrigating alfalfa this fall to help with stand stress.

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Grain sorghum
Stalk grazing this fall should begin with corn residue and then transition to grain sorghum stovers, as corn leaves will blow out of fields within a couple months post-harvest, whereas grain sorghum leaves usually remain attached through winter and into early spring.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Grazing and Pasture Management

October 5, 2021
Extension Educator Todd Whitney explains why it's best to graze grain sorghum stover before corn residue, plus a rundown on improving hay and crop residue through ammoniation and proper care of fall pastures for best plant health through the winter.

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baled corn

Pasture and Forage Minute: Overgraze Pastures Now to Prep for Interseeding Legumes Next Spring

September 22, 2021
This week, Extension Educator Ben Beckman explains how to produce nitrogen in a pasture by interseeding legumes — plus, a review on testing hay for its quality and baling corn stalks for forage.

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Musk thistle

Pasture and Forage Minute: Scouting for Thistles and Fall Armyworms, Soybean Residue as Forage

September 29, 2021
Extension educators review their tips for controlling thistles in pastures, scouting for fall armyworms and how to meet nutritional requirements while grazing soybean residue.

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Windrow in field
When done correctly, windrow grazing provides the best of both worlds, allowing harvest to occur at the optimal time for yield and quality, while eliminating the cost and labor of baling, storing and feeding hay. (Photo by Aaron Berger)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning Winter Forages, Windrow Grazing

September 15, 2021
Extension educators discuss winter annual forages, windrow grazing, and alfalfa winterization and frost concerns.

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