Farm Management

Graphic identifying series on negotoations

Gold Star Negotiations: The Winner's Curse

May 7, 2018

From buying new equipment to countering your child’s request to stay up another 20 minutes, everyone negotiates. This series is designed to provide helpful tips and tricks to use and watch out for when negotiating. See more articles in this series.

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Sample Excel page showing the use of subtotal

Excel Pro Tip: Using the Subtotal Formula

May 2, 2018
In this week's Excel tip, learn now to use the Subtotal formula, a real time-saver when entries or categories change so you can avoid changing individual formulas.

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Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics This May

April 27, 2018

Openings are available for one-on-one, confidential farm finance and ag law consultations being conducted across the state each month. An experienced ag law attorney and ag financial counselor will be available to address farm and ranch issues related to financial planning, estate and transition planning, farm loan programs, debtor/creditor law, water rights, and other relevant matters.

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Negotiation Tips: Getting to Yes

The Three Types of "Yes" in Negotiations

April 19, 2018
If you walk into a negotiation pushing only your agenda and looking for your "Yes," you may miss out on crucial details and not end up where you think you should be. Getting to a well understood "Yes" is critical to good negotiations.

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April Workshops on Farm Succession and Ag Liens, Loans and Leases

April 13, 2018

Ag Liens, Loans and Leases April 25

A free Ag Liens, Loans, and Leases workshop will be held in Chadron, April 25 at Chadron State College Student Center, Scottsbluff Room. A light dinner will be provided. The workshop runs from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 pm.  To register call the Rural Response Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.

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Excel example

Excel Pro Tip: Conditional Formatting

April 11, 2018
This series — Excel Pro Tips — covers some of the best formulas, tables, conditional formatting, and other processes to help users manage their record keeping more efficiently. This week it looks at conditional formatting,which can change the formatting of cells to provide fast visual cues to potential discrepancies.

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Ag accounting worksheets
Ag accounting worksheets

How Good Accounting Practices Aid Decision Making

April 3, 2018
Correctly allocating costs, such as those for producing grain to feed livestock, can help provide solid information for decision making. Less careful allocations can confuse actual costs and lead to unfortunate management decisions.

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Negotiations, Farm Management

Types of Negotiators (Part 2)

March 26, 2018
In the second article in this series, learn about two more negotiator types — Amiable and Expressive — and how best to negotiate with them. This is part of a larger series on how to improve your negotiation skills.

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