Farm Management

Laptop computer
Creating digital records of your recepits and invoices can free up storage space and aid in your office organization.

Digital Farm Records Made Easy

February 5, 2018
Do you have boxes and boxes of receipts, invoices and paperwork associated with your farm business? Consider increasing their usability by scanning them to create digital records that easily store and search out on your computer. Here's how.

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Characteristics of Financially Resilient Farms

February 5, 2018
Some farmers are finding profits despite the tough economic times. What are they doing that you might adopt or adapt to make your operation more resilient?

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Market Journal looks at Impacts on Soybean Prices

February 2, 2018
This week on Market Journal host Jeff Wilkerson talks with Luke Beckman, Central Valley Ag ProEdge grain sales manager, about how weather concerns in Argentina are impacting soybean prices in the US. Also this week: bacterial leaf streak hosts, solar power for ag operations, and more.

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Grain Marketing App

Extension App for Grain Marketing Plans Now Available for Android

February 1, 2018
A Nebraska Extension mobile app to help corn, soybean, and wheat farmers manage their operations in a rapidly changing price environment is now available in Apple and Android.

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Farm scene

Join "So You've Inherited a Farm" 2-Part Webinar Feb. 19, 26

February 1, 2018
Those who have inherited farmland or may do so in the future are encouraged to register for a two-part online webinar “So You’ve Inherited a Farm, Now What?” Offered by Nebraska Extension, the webinars will be held in the evenings of Feb. 19 and 26.

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Nebraska net farm income 2000 - 2015

Characteristics Contributing to Nebraska Farm and Ranch Financial Stress

January 24, 2018
Because producers are unique in their production costs, yields, prices, capital allocation, location, etc., identifying the demographic and financial characteristics contributing to financial stress is important to gain a deeper understanding of the problem. This article explores the results of a 2016 survey of Nebraska crop and livestock producers on the topic of financial stress.

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Austin Duerfeldt
Austin Duerfeldt

Duerfeldt New Southeast Nebraska Ag Economist Educator

January 23, 2018
Austin Duerfeldt brings experience in crop production, financial management, and public service to his new position as Agricultural Economist Educator for Nebraska Extension in southeast Nebraska. He specializes in farm accounting, financial analysis, and taxation.

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Farmers Invited to Participate in UNL Custom Rate Survey

January 22, 2018
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics is asking farmers and ranchers for help in compiling its annual report on Nebraska Farm Custom rates.

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