Market Journal looks at Impacts on Soybean Prices

February 2, 2018

Market Journal looks at Impacts on Soybean Prices

By Market Journal

This week on Market Journal host Jeff Wilkerson talks with Luke Beckman, Central Valley Ag ProEdge grain sales manager, about how weather concerns in Argentina are impacting soybean prices in the US.

Also on this week's program:

Bacterial Leaf Streak

Nebraska Extension plant pathologist Tamra Jackson-Ziems discusses research on bacterial leaf streak, including important host crops for the disease.

Solar Power

Nebraska Extension Educator John Hay talks about the affordability of small-scale solar production for ag operations.

Cattle Inventory

Oklahoma State Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist Derrell Peel reviews the USDA’s latest report on the size of the U.S. cowherd.

Weather Outlook

Al Dutcher, Nebraska Extension agricultural climatologist, gives his forecast for the coming week.

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