Farm Management

Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics

One-on-One Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics this May

April 25, 2019
If you're facing some legal or financial challenges this spring and would like a second opinion, consider meeting one-on-one with an ag attorney or ag financial counselor at one of these free clinics this May.

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Important dates for prevented planting for corn and soybean

Flood Damage and Prevented Planting

April 10, 2019
This year some farms may qualify for crop insurance prevented planting payments due to flood damage. Here are planting dates for RMA coverage, as well as some unknowns and considerations as you assess the damage to your property.

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Flooded cropland in eastern Nebraska. Photo by William Dodd)
In areas where cropland was flooded, should rental rates be adjusted for 2019? Landlord-tenant communication this spring is recommended to address this question.

Should Leases be Adjusted for Flood-Damaged Farm Ground?

March 28, 2019
This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates for flood-damaged cropland with different lease characteristics, including having that important landlord-tenant discussion this spring before planting.

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Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics flyer

Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics this April

March 27, 2019
Seven confidential, one-on-one clinics will be held across the state this April to address ag law and farm finance issues with producers. Call for an appointment.

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Computer screen showing chart of commodity prices

Charting Commodities: Bar Chart vs Candlestick Chart

March 14, 2019
Many types of charts are used to track movement in the grain market. This article looks at how to use and interpret two of them: the OHLC bar chart and the candlestick chart.

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Image of iconic market forces, the bear and the bull.

Charting Commodities: Technical vs Fundamental Analysis

February 18, 2019
A new series of articles, Charting Commodities, will explore the basics of some of the more common indicators used in technical analysis. This article defines and compares technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

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UNL Department of Agricultural Economics report on the Economic Impacts of the Nebraska Ethanol and Ethanol Co-Products Industry 2015-17

Economic Impacts of the Nebraska Ethanol and Ethanol Co-Products Industry 2015 - 2017

February 15, 2019
The Nebraska ethanol industry remains an important market in Nebraska with a production capacity of 2.558 billion gallons in 2017, resulting in the value of ethanol production at $3.764 billion, trailing only corn and cattle.

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Farm finance records and a calculator

Ways to Stretch Cash Flow

February 15, 2019
Over time, negative cash flows will put farm and ranch businesses, and the lifestyle of the owners, at serious risk. Consider these recommendations to improve your cash flow.

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