Farm Management

Cornhusker Economics: An Illustration of Farm Program Decisions and Impacts

October 30, 2019
While the ARC and PLC programs were carried over from the 2014 Farm Bill with relatively modest changes, the substantial drop in market prices and outlook since 2014 pointed toward a widespread shift in enrollment away from ARC and toward PLC due to the increased relevance of the price safety net. However, with this year’s extreme weather events, concerns over crop production, and hopes for improved trade prospects, there has been some recovery in commodity prices that could affect farm program supports and producer preferences. The author looks at various program options and the impacts of selecting them.

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Extension, FSA to Host Farm Bill Education Meetings Across Nebraska

October 30, 2019
Nebraska Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency in Nebraska will host a series of Farm Bill Education meetings from late November to mid-December to help producers as they begin to make farm-bill related program decisions.

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Loading a truck with grain
Developing a grain marketing plan can help you achieve the average price you seek.

Writing a Marketing Plan for Your Stored Grain

October 22, 2019
The farmers most successful at marketing their grain often sell smaller quantities throughout the year, using a grain-marketing plan to stay on top of their final average price. Check out these five steps to writing your grain marketing plan.

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Farm Bill Education Meeting Oct. 24 in Kimball

October 17, 2019
While the ARC and PLC programs under the new farm bill are similar to those in the previous farm bill, a few program changes coupled with changes in market conditions and outlook could significantly impact producer decisions. More farm bill meetings are scheduled for November through December.

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Charting costs on a laptop computer

Accounting Assumptions and the Farm Business

October 16, 2019
While not widely used in Nebraska, adoption of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) will allow farmers and ranchers in Nebraska to make more informed decisions, contributing to greater short- and long-run profit.

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"Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options" for Better Informed Decisions

October 8, 2019
Do you have the reliable financial records you need to make important farm management decisions. A new Extension series will help you learn how to record and analyze your data for more informed decision making.

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Farm Bankruptcy Code Increases Upper Limit

October 2, 2019
The new Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019 revises the federal bankruptcy code to increase the amount of total debt a producer may have and be eligible for Chapter 12 bankruptcy protection from $4.4 million to $10 million.

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Free Ag Law and Farm Finance Clinics this October

September 17, 2019
Free legal and financial clinics are being offered for farmers and ranchers at seven sites across the state in October. The clinics are one-on-one meetings with an agricultural law attorney and an agricultural financial counselor.

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