Farm Management

Moving from Good Farmer to Great Manager

September 13, 2019
The difference between a good farmer and a great manager often comes down to knowing the true financial position of a farm. Good records can help you track your true financial position while Inaccurate records can lead to misguided management decisions.

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Comparison of wheat crop budgets

Winter Wheat Crop Budgets Available for 7 Systems

August 30, 2019
Customizable winter wheat crop production budgets can be a farm management tool as you look at costs and possible cost-savings areas for the next crop.

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flooded field
Spring floods and soils that just didn't dry out led to prevented plant acres being reported on more than 400,000 acres of Nebraska cropland. Overall Nebraska ranked 16th in the nation on prevent plant acres.

USDA Reports 400,000 Acres of Prevented Plant Cropland in Nebraska

August 15, 2019
Crop producers across Nebraska reported more than 400,000 acres as prevented plant in 2019, ranking 16th nationally. How typical was your county? View county and state numbers from the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Crop field and farm

Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 14, 2019
The deadline for formal notification to terminate a verbal or handshake year-to-year land lease agreement is September 1. Here are some things to consider when terminating various types of land leases.

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USDA: Farm Real Estate Value up Slightly in Nebraska

August 7, 2019

Nebraska's farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, increased from 2018, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Farm real estate value for 2019 averaged $2,850 per acre, up $100 per acre (4%) from last year.

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Taking a Closer Look at the Most Efficient Farms

August 7, 2019
The Top Efficient Farms group is a selection of operations with Nebraska Farm Business, Inc that consistently retain more than 20% of gross income as net. These farms are not the highest efficiency farms each year, they are just the most consistent from year-to-year.

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Chart indicating market volatility

Price Volatility Brings Marketing Opportunities, With Risks

August 1, 2019
Uncertainty about national grain production as well as local yields has put farmers in a tough place. Should they sell growing crop now, or wait? This articles looks at two examples as well as what to consider with a hedging strategy.

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