Farm Management

Market Journal CFAP segment poster image

Market Journal: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Payments

June 9, 2020
Recently, Market Journal spoke with Nebraska FSA Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham to discuss the USDA’s new Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) which provides payments to producers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for June

June 2, 2020
Free legal and financial clinics are being offered for farmers and ranchers across the state in June 2020. The clinics are one-on-one meetings with an agricultural law attorney and an agricultural financial counselor. For the time being the clinics are being conducted as conference calls or as Zoom meetings.

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farm and ranch COVID-19 webinar series graphic

CARES Act: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for Crop Producers

May 29, 2020
While agricultural producers and agribusinesses are eligible for two programs administered through the Small Business Administration, the primary support for agriculture is coming from USDA through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Read more about the CFAP program and register for the June 4 webinar.

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people signing legal documents

Business Powers of Attorney for Nebraska Farm and Ranch Business Owners

May 21, 2020
In the case where there is no well-structured legal documentation of who assumes business functions when a key manager is incapacitated —which would likely include many Nebraska farms and ranches — the business owner may seek to provide business operational continuity should they become unable to do so.

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CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program Loans Update

May 20, 2020
The PPP program is a very helpful tool available to business during this difficult situation. It is important for those that applied to stay on top of rules and guidance that the SBA and Treasury provide.

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farm setting at sundown

Why Do We Not Have an Estate Plan?

May 7, 2020
For quite a few farmers and ranchers, the thought of retiring is likely not something that they want to consider. So, if I’m not retiring, why would I complete an estate plan?

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planter in a field

Grain Marketing 2020: Survival and COVID-19

May 1, 2020
Let’s state the obvious: this isn’t a typical year and we all know it. This article will discuss how to build a marketing strategy to assure that the farm continues to the next crop year.

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CARES Act 2020: Unemployment Insurance and Farmers and Ranchers

April 22, 2020
The labor department says the new temporary pandemic assistance will be administered like the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program. So, one can expect that farmers will be eligible under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program.

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