Farm Management

chart showing center pivot peak demand

Solar Power and Center Pivots - Part 1: Challenges, Introduction and Definitions

November 6, 2020
Farmers across the US are exploring solar PV as a way to reduce energy costs. Thousands have built solar PV systems, yet adoption of solar PV may not be right for everyone.

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Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for November

October 26, 2020
Free legal and financial clinics are being offered for farmers and ranchers across the state in November 2020. The clinics are one-on-one meetings with an agricultural law attorney and an agricultural financial counselor. These are not group sessions, and they are confidential.

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Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for October

September 24, 2020
Free legal and financial clinics are being offered for farmers and ranchers across the state in October 2020. The clinics are one-on-one meetings with an agricultural law attorney and an agricultural financial counselor. For the time being the clinics are being conducted as conference calls or as Zoom meetings.

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Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for September

September 2, 2020
Free legal and financial clinics are being offered for farmers and ranchers across the state in September 2020. The clinics are one-on-one meetings with an agricultural law attorney and an agricultural financial counselor. These are not group sessions, and they are confidential.

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corn planted folllowing wheat
Corn planted in winter wheat stubble.

Winter Wheat Economics in Nebraska

September 1, 2020
Including winter wheat in the cropping system does not appear to be a profitable decision when one only examines the production costs and expected returns. Generally, there are additional production and economic benefits (35 to 100 bushels per acre increase in corn or grain sorghum yield) that should be considered.

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man working at a computer

Estimating Cost of Production in Quicken

August 27, 2020
The challenge with developing a true cost of production is that expenses for farms and ranches often span multiple years. To surmount this boundary in Quicken, using a multiple tag system is recommended.

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quicken training course graphic

Free Quicken Course for Farmers and Ranchers

August 21, 2020
A new online course aims to equip Nebraska agricultural producers with the skills and tools needed to establish or improve digital financial record keeping for their operations.

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stack of papers

Quicken Tags for Your Farm or Ranch

August 21, 2020
Tags can help you glean information from your Quicken file without complicating your category list. This article discusses how to get started with tags, and how to use them to enhance your financial records.

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