Map of vegetative health index in the Corn Belt  for July 8, 2018

Temperature/GDD Trend Indicates Early Corn Maturity

July 9, 2018
A cool start to the crop season followed by two months of above normal temperatures appears to be pushing Nebraska's corn crop to an earlier than normal maturity.

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US map showing departures from normal temperatures in May

If Patterns Continue, Drought Areas Likely to Expand in Nebraska

June 1, 2018
Based on current conditions and short and longer term forecasts, drought conditions appear to be building in Nebraska, says Associate State Climatologist Al Dutcher.

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Related UNL AgNews

May 25, 2018
UNL Research: Land-cover Changes likely Intensified Dust Bowl Drought | Blanco Leads 3-Year Cover Crop Study funded by Nebraska Environmental Trust | Grass-Cast, a New Experimental Grassland Productivity Forecast, Predicts Available Forage

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KSU Assesses Yield Potential of Drought-Tolerant Corn

April 12, 2018
Research by Kansas State University on yield potential of drought-tolerant corn showed yields varied but often were equal to their non-DT counterparts. The advantage of the DT hybrids became more evident when the water stress increased to the point of leaves rolling most days.

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Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)
Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February 15 (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018, showing Nebraska is no longer in a large area of below-normal precipitation. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)

Weather Outlooks Shift Slightly as Spring Begins

March 23, 2018

The Climate Prediction Center’s March 15 outlook continues to favor dry conditions for the Southern Plains. Its summer precipitation outlook, however, has changed and is shifting the highest probabilities for below normal moisture south (Figures 1 and 2).

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One-month EDDI drought monitor
One-month EDDI drought monitor

Developing Drought Ready Farms

March 22, 2018
Sometimes drought can seem to develop quickly and without warning. Having a drought plan that incorporates prediction and drought-monitoring tools can help keep growers from being caught off-guard.

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Center pivot irrigating corn
Figure 1. Adapting irrigation management strategies to maxmize effciency for crop growth can help farms through periods of extreme weather variability, such as dry periods or droughts. (Photo by Chuck Burr)

Weather Ready Farms: Irrigation Water Management

March 21, 2018
Climate variability, including extended periods of dry conditions and sometimes drought, are common on the Great Plains. When managing under these extreme conditions, irrigators need to understand daily and seasonal crop water use patterns and adopt practices and technology that result in more bushels of grain per inch of water applied.

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December 5, 2017 Drought Monitor for Nebraska

Dry November Conditions Lead to Major Shift in Drought Monitor

December 7, 2017
After a drier and warmer than normal November, the Drought Monitor showed a marked increase in how much of Nebraska was dry, increasing the "abnormally dry" area from 9% to 61% this week.

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