Q&A: How Often do I Need to Record Dicamba Sprayer Cleanout?

February 26, 2018
New RUP dicamba Q&A: Since I must record how and when the spray system cleanout was done, how should I do this when using the same RUP dicamba product on Xtend soybeans for multiple loads and/or over several days?

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Greg Kruger demonstrating pesticide sprayer adjustments

Pesticide Spray Clinic March 6 in Syracuse

February 23, 2018
Learn enhanced stewardship for dicamba and 2,4-D, how to better mitigate spray drift, and nozzle recommendations to improve control of troublesome weeds among other topics at an advanced clinic for pesticide spray applicators March 6 in Syracuse.

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Daily temperature and maximum humidity at Ithaca

Daily Weather Record at Four Sites for June 2017

February 16, 2018

Weather conditions in June 2017 are thought to have contributed to the increased levels of dicamba injury discussed in stories in the Feb. 16, 2018 CropWatch. Following are the June 2017 daily maximum temperatures and average relative humidities for four sites in Nebraska. Also shown is the maximum daily wind for one minute at each site.

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Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017
Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017

Potential Off-Target Dicamba Movement from Corn Applications

February 15, 2018
While the new soybean dicamba herbicides were often blamed for injury to sensitive plants in 2017, a deeper look at the timing of injury and the weather conditions at those times suggests dicamba applications in corn may have contributed to plant injury in many areas. Increased management for all dicamba applications will be needed in 2018.

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An eastern Nebraska field with dicamba injury.
This eastern Nebraska soybean field was injured by off-target dicamba movement to a sensitive crop. Applying best management practices to all dicamba applications can help reduce the likelihood of similar whole-field damage in 2018.

Can We Manage Dicamba Applications in 2018?

February 15, 2018
Factors leading to dicamba injury and how growers will need to practice best management practices with all dicamba applications in 2018 to help reduce injury to susceptible crops and other plants. This article discusses key practices to implement.

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Sprayer hose test

Removing Dicamba Residues from Your Sprayer: A Tricky Task

February 15, 2018
Thoroughly cleaning your sprayer both before and after applying dicamba is required and can help reduce the potential for off-target damage. Check these recommended practices and see what research at Mississippi State University found when testing sprayer hoses.

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Dicamba FAQ icon

Dicamba FAQs Updated

February 2, 2018
This week the university's Frequently Asked Questions Guide for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia® and XtendiMax®) was updated to address new questions from growers. More questions may be added to the site from time to time so check back for further information.

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Dicamba FAQ sign

Got an RUP Dicamba Question? Check Out These FAQs

January 19, 2018
If you're planning to use the new RUP dicamba products in 2018, you may have some questions. A new set of Frequently Ask Questions answers some of the most common questions posed to Nebraska Extension in recent weeks.

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