Broadleaf weeds

Q&A: Which Dicamba Product Should I Use to Kill Broadleaf Cover Crops or Burndown Weeds Before Xtend Soybean?

April 27, 2018
With a delayed or compressed planting season, this week several growers asked whether they could immediately plant soybeans after a dicamba application. See how Extension Weed Scientist Amit Jhala replied.

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Managing Pesticide Applications for Me and the Environment

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on managing pesticide applications to reduce drift and other forms of off-target movement.

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly when Spraying the New Phenoxy Herbicide Formulations

January 8, 2018
The new phenoxy herbicide formulations offer growers new management options along with new application requirements that need to be carefully adhered to maintain their efficacy. This is an article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics.

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The Rise of Multiple-Resistance in Nebraska’s Weeds and Effects Of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Sensitive Crops

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on how to diversify weed control methods and modes of action to reduce potential development of resistance.

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soybean leaf cupping
Figure 1. Leaf cupping of non-Xtend soybean is one indicator of crop injury from dicamba off-target drift.

Dicamba Off-target Injury Issues in Nebraska Soybean

January 8, 2018
To avoid some of the off-target dicamba injury that occurred in 2017, new label requirements and application recommendations are being made for 2018. This is an article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics.

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Market Journal on Importance of Following Dicamba Labels

April 6, 2018
This week on Market Journal Greg Kruger, Nebraska extension weed science and application technology specialist, discusses the importance of reading, studying, and following dicamba product labels.

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Glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp in soybean without a pre-emergence herbicide with multiple sites of action.
Glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp in soybean without a pre-emergence herbicide with multiple sites of action.

Pre-emergence Residual Herbicides are the Foundation of Soybean Weed Control

March 29, 2018
Even with new dicamba-resistant soybeans, pre-emergence, residual herbicides are needed to mitigate yield loss due to weed competition, provide a longer time for soybean to establish, and reduce selection pressure for weeds resistant to post-emergence herbicides.

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Dicamba Training Available Online

March 23, 2018
Nebraska Extension has completed its in-person dicamba training programs for spring 2018. If you still need to take dicamba training, Extension offers a free online option.

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