Chemical sprayer application in the field

How Clean is Your Sprayer? Study Participants Needed

May 10, 2019
University researchers are seeking 30 Nebraska spray applicators for a sprayer cleanout study. The study will help extension application educators learn about applicator practices and how to direct their educational efforts.

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Tavium: A New Premix of Dicamba and S-Metolachlor is Labeled

April 25, 2019
A new dicamba-based herbicide, Tavium, has been approved for use in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean (dicamba/glyphosate-resistant soybean). Like the other dicamba-based soybean herbicides, it requires special training before it can be used.

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Glyphosate-resistant ragweed in corn

Planting Interval of Corn, Soybean, and Sorghum after 2,4-D or Dicamba Burndown Application

April 18, 2019
With flood, cold, and wet conditions in March/April, many producers are facing a smaller than expected window for making their burndown herbicide applications and should carefully consider required planting intervals when selecting which product to use in which crop.

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Cover crops and weeds in early spring
Figure 1. When using a burndown treatment to terminate cover crops and weeds this spring, planting intervals often may negate the use of many dicamba products prior to soybean planting. (Photos by Amit Jhala)

Which Dicamba Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Soybean?

April 16, 2019
Several growers have asked: Can dicamba products such as Banvel, Clarity, and DiFlexx be applied to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and broadleaf weeds immediately before planting soybean?

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Graphic listing several questions in the FAQ story

2019 FAQ for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia® and XtendiMax®)

January 30, 2019
"If I had RUP dicamba training in 2018, do I need training in 2019?" The answer to that question, which is "Yes," and other questions about training and new application requirements for the three RUP dicamba products are covered in this FAQ.

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Soybean damage from application of micro-rates of dicamba pesticide.

Effects of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Yields of Non-Dicamba Soybeans

January 9, 2019
This study looks at the sensitivity of non-DT soybean types (Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready) to micro-rate applications of Clarity, Engenia, and XtendiMax at several growth stages.

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Comparison of node accrual between dicamba-injured soybean and non-injured soybean.

Dicamba’s Effect on Soybean Node Numbers

August 8, 2018
Do soybean continue to produce a new node every 3.7 days despite being injured by off-target dicamba exposure? That was the question examined in this on-farm study.

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Soybean research field

Field Case Study of Dicamba-Injured Soybeans using Forensic Analysis

August 8, 2018
A field of dicamba-injured soybeans is used as an example to demonstrate the forensic analysis method to determine when dicamba exposure occurred.

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