Cover Crops

Types of cover crops studied
Figure 1. Types of cover crops studied included hairy vetch, rye, collard, clover, pea and a mix of several varieties.

Student Research: Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Winter Cover Crop Biomass

October 5, 2016
Undergraduate Natalie Holste shares the results of her study on which of the cover crops studied provided the most N and optimum time for killing the cover crop to provide N. Holste, an undergraduate biological sciences student at University of Missouri Science and Technology, conducted the study as part of a UNL Research and Extension Experiential Learning Fellowship in summer 2016.

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Student Research: Cover Crop Effects on Soil Properties

October 5, 2016
Undergraduate Andi Nichols shares the results of her study on how cover crops may affect soil properties. Nichols, an undergraduate student in plant and soil sciences at the Oklahoma State University Department of Agronomy, conducted the study as part of a UNL Research and Extension Experiential Learning Fellowship in summer 2016.

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UNL Cover Crop Field Day near Lincoln Sept. 8

August 31, 2016

A morning field day to see a variety of cover crops seeded after wheat harvest will be held at the UNL Rogers Memorial Farm just east of Lincoln. The free event will be from 9:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 8.

Event speakers and topics will include:

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Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 7 in Western Nemaha County

August 26, 2016

A Cover Crop Field Day, sponsored by Nebraska Extension and NRCS, will be Wednesday, September 7, at the Trent Bohling Farm in western Nemaha County. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. followed by the program at 10 a.m.

The Bohling farm is one mile west of the Highway 136 and Highway 105 junction. The field day site is 1/8 of a mile south of Highway 136 on 629 Avenue.  

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Figure 1: Early-planted rye (left) and late-planted rye before corn at Concord, April 22, 2016.
Figure 1: Early-planted rye (left) and late-planted rye before corn at Concord, April 22, 2016.

Biomass Production of Winter Annual Cover Crops in Corn and Soybean

August 11, 2016
Rye was the leading biomass producer in the first two years of a four-year study exploring whether winter cover cropping in no-till corn and soybean systems in Nebraska can benefit soil quality despite their short growing season.

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Cover Crop Forage Field Day Aug. 25 near Boelus

August 3, 2016

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension is hosting a Cover Crop Field Day Aug. 25 to focus on using cover crops to both improve the soil and produce forage. Lease agreements for cover crop grazing also will be addressed.

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Aug. 20 Farm Tour to Look at Cover Crops, Flaming, and Crimping

August 1, 2016

A Butler County farm tour will look at two operations where growers have integrated cover crops and used flaming or crimper tecnology to manage weeds. The tour will be Saturday, August 20 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and followed by a meal.

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Corn plant damaged by wheat stem maggot
Corn plant damaged by wheat stem maggot

Wheat Stem Maggot Damaging Corn after Rye

June 9, 2016
UNL has been tracking an unusual insect pest the past couple of years in northeast Nebraska that may be a potential concern to farmers growing corn after rye or other grass cover crops. A number of producers and crop scouts have reported stunted corn plants at V1 to V2 with brown flagging in their fields due to the wheat stem maggot (WSM), a species of Chloropid fly. These are small flies that are typically about 1/8 inch long with black and yellow markings. The wheat stem maggot overwinters in the stem of its host plants as a larva and emerges in May to begin feeding.

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